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Tasers are treat for taking people down fast an quick, especially when you need to question them later. But use of one on a civilian is questionable unless you have no there choice i,e. iminat threat to person or persons.
I think if the officer tells you 5+ times to get back in your car then he has probable cause. I'm sick of people crying that they get tased after the cop tells them he's going to do it if they dont follow directions. Like that stupid kid who kept whining about being pulled over and wouldnt follow instructions.
Id rather get hit with a beanbag gun. There's no way of tellign if someone has heart problems/pacemaker and whatnot. Broken ribs > Instant heart attack imo
i have a friend whos a cop (wierd i know) and he shocked me with his taser one night when we were all having a good time
and he held it on for a good 5 seconds about 4 times in a row to my leg and it hurt but honestly the shot i got when giving blood hurt worse
right afterwards it burned alot and that night i felt sick but nothing like getting shot with a riot good i owuld think

its very simple DONt **** OFF COPS
i know its hard but thats your only way around it
Honestly, a taser is a weapon, you better be able to use it properly before shooting somone with it; myself, it would stop my heart, no kidding. I can't see any officer not seeking martial training as an incentive to using a weapon.
I don't care how irate a person gets, a tazer should be employed after you have failed to calm or restrain the individual(and no less); even then it should be treated as a dangorous weapon; the only situation in which it should be used is when you are at risk, even then officers have guns and understand the risk in using them, or so I hope, tasers need the same attention.
A taser MIGHT kill you if your heart is weak or you have a pacemaker. A gun is SUPPOSED to kill you, period. I'll take the taser.

Bring back the good old days of blackjacks and nightsticks. nothing nlike a broken jaw or wrist to calm down a perpetrator.
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