It Takes a Village Idiot: The Jerks of Online Forums

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Did they just spy on me through their AMD telescopes, copy my blog and repost it on the intarwebs 'cuz if they did I happen to know that's illegal under section 8 of The Law. Plus all the above posters are wrong so I am FIRST!!!


^^ Lol kmote. (<-- that was two words, so I'm technically not Johnny One-Word)

Reading your opinion of how you see yourself fitting into that, it reminds me of the song "I Am My Own Grandpa"; you could sing your list as "I Am My Own PC Forum" :tongue:
Looking at your sig, mak... I think you miscounted. :p

Thanks. Thanks for making me feel so much better. Here i was thinking i wasnt all of them then you had to point out that i had a quote in my sig from The Dark Knight. So i am all of them. Gravy. I am the forum idiot! w00t!!!
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