Stupidest thing you ever did in college>

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Daemon Poster
Alright, I'll start it off.

Today, I was just sitting around my dorm, getting ready to go to work, and I decide that my sheets need washing. I had about 45 minutes, so i decided, what the heck, I can at least get it partially dry in that time. I looked at the run cycle, it was about 2:30 (had to be at work at 3) and it still had eleven minutes of wash time. So i grabbed it out mid-cycle, and threw it in the dryer; about 2:45, I went back, and it had thirty minutes to go. They were warm, but damp as a frog pond.

I think, oh crap, I've got 10 minutes to go to work. So I grabbed all my sheets, towels, boxers, socks and such that I threw in the dryer, and put it over various parts of my side of the dormroom.

I made it out the door (my laundry basket had about a 1/4" Standing water in the bottom of it) and i remember "I don't have my friggin keys".

Boy, its gonna be a fun run after I get off work. My roomate may kill me, or at least wonder why the dorm room smells of tide.

Well, I told my stupid story, let's hear yours!
Dumbest thing I did, thus far? I am a hard-line conservative, and I took Composition 1 &2 under a bleeding-heart liberal PhD.

Since I did not go directly to college after high school (I was in my mid-twenties), I was not brow-beat like most of the rest of the classes. I tended to give what I got. By the end of both semesters, I just knew that I was gonna flunk. But I pulled 3.5 in both.

I saw enough sparks to last a lifetime in those two courses. From now on, I will make sure to find a prof that matches my mentality. Do they even allow non-liberals to teach in college?
Dumbest thing I ever did in colledge was a toga party and changing the room numbers. And 21 people in a 6 person room.

Don't ask how someone who is 16 does this, you may get an answer :)
Got bored and put the reversed the cleaner's vacuum-cleaner from Suck To Blow.
No comment, I have nothing to say about Grappa, some Samurai swords and a sofa.

Nothing I say.
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