Student Kills a Man with Samurai Sword

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My point is that he clearly had the opportunity and the choice to phone the police or pick a weapon and create the matter of manslaughter. Just because you steal doesn't mean you deserve capital punishment imo we should just throw them all into an isolated island and let it all sort itself out worked well for Australia...
My point is that he clearly had the opportunity and the choice to phone the police or pick a weapon and create the matter of manslaughter. Just because you steal doesn't mean you deserve capital punishment imo we should just throw them all into an isolated island and let it all sort itself out worked well for Australia...

when you're in a situation like that you don't think
My point is that he clearly had the opportunity and the choice to phone the police or pick a weapon and create the matter of manslaughter.

And how long would've it taken for the police to get to his house at whatever time in the morning it was? I'm thinking too long.

Also, I don't think this dude went down to confront the thief with the intention of actually killing him. I've got a few swords too, if I heard someone breaking in I'd pick up one so I was at least armed. And if I then rounded a corner and bumped into some random in the middle of the night you can bet I'd react straight away just out of reflex.

imo we should just throw them all into an isolated island and let it all sort itself out worked well for Australia...

lol, after a hundred years maybe. but yeah, I reckon that'd work.
So if a punk kid gets into money problems and crime is the only visible way out but breaks into the home of an un-convicted murderer/disturbed individual etc. and is killed that is fine provided the person whose home is being broken into makes it appear the crime was self defence. There is a fine line between manslaughter and homicide.

I've been into money problems. Big money problems. Before I was even old enough to vote I was in debt thousands of dollars and I got zero help from my parents and no idea what to do.

So you know what I did? I worked my ****ing *** off. At a back breaking factory. I did that for years on swing shift before some people my age even had their first job.

Stealing is in no way shape or form EVER an acceptable means of solving your money problems. It's stupidity. It's weak. Pure and simple.

If you make the decision to break into somebody's house... somebody who pays taxes, abides by the law, works hard to earn their living, and pulls their weight in a positive manner in society... if you not only break into their house with the intention of robbery... but on top of that, attack them... your rights entirely should be completely gone.

It's not a matter of whether it's manslaughter or homicide.

To me, it's logic.
You have to realise the law is not always obvious, right, or common sense.

Laws are made to defend the majority of people, unfortunately not everyone. There can't be a law for every case.

It sounds like in this case it is pretty clear that it was self defence. If he does get charged you can hope that a fair court will find him not guilty due to self defence.

Just because you steal doesn't mean you deserve capital punishment imo we should just throw them all into an isolated island and let it all sort itself out worked well for Australia...

Yeh we have enough of them now. I suggest Canada next ;)
I would have run the guy through, even if it were after I lopped off a hand, just from pure adrenalin. I would have preferred to use a shotgun (sawed off if possible) instead of a kantana, though, but I guess as a student he didn't own one.

Here, in the US, thieves should always remember that guns are legal. ;))
Armed robbery carries a much stiffer penalty. Most shy away from carrying weapons because of it, but not all. In my house, I know where everything is while a stranger doesn't, giving me the opportunity to fire first.

A perfect world would eliminate robbery and firearms, but this ain't a perfect world. I don't even own a gun at this present time, but I want one for the house. I know how to shoot and enjoy target shooting... but I would use it to defend my family and my home without a second thought.
There are plenty of non lethal weapons available on the market to subdue an opponent/intruder. Even a gun firing blanks can cause serious injury if fired at close range, scare the assailant, alert neighbours to your duress and if taken to court over such issues show a premeditated action to not seriously harm the intruder. A pet dog of well chosen breed would scare off most burglars in my eyes as they are trying to pick the easy targets, coming face to face with a rotweiler or 70kg bull-mastiff would scare the carp out of me. Pepperball ammunition is available which fires a thick paintball filled with pepperspray could be an option who plays paintball often.
I'm a redneck, I hunt often, and own many guns. If someone broke in my house with a weapon, they're SOL. But if they're weaponless I'm gonna take them down and wait for the cops. Wouldn't use a weapon unless I felt threatened. Too much paperwork :/

Edit: Maybe some rocksalt would be good too :)
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