Stop powerpoint annoying you.

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T.F's Resident Cool Guy...
Powerpoint can be very annoying at times, and one of its most annoying habbits is resizing your images, textboxes and autoshapes. Unfortunatly this option is ON by default and unless you know how to disable it, your stuck with it.
OK heres how to be rid of "Automatic layout for inserted objects".
  1. Choose Tools, AutoCorrect Options (you'll need to have a presentation open for this to work).
  2. Click the "AutoFormat As You Type" tab.
  3. Remove the checkmark next to "Automatic layout for inserted objects"
  4. Remove the checkmarks next to "AutoFit title text to placeholder" and "AutoFit body text to placeholder" (unless you prefer to have PowerPoint adjust your text size and line spacing as you add more text to your slides).
  5. Click OK
Its Gone!
If everything went well you should now be rid of that horriable thing Microsoft decieded to call "Automatic layout for inserted objects".
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