So, what does your handle mean-thread?

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Simple question just regarding everyone's handle and what it relates to, if anything.

There probably is a thread like this out there, but a new one would be nice to see some new results and what now.

Like, "dartgande", comes from the greek suffix, "dart", meaning "Death of the Demons", and, "Gande", as in a bad representation of, "Gandhi", the peaceful guy.

Actually, that's all crap. Dartgande actually comes from my misspelling of, "Darth Vader", as a small child, leaving out the, "H", and gande stands for something else in my very early teenage years that means, "Good and Evil".

Oh how I may ever so subtly mature, but my handle will not!
Haven't seen a thread on this in a while. ;)

Mine is simple... Trotter is my name. Well, my last name. Since I was always called by it in school and at work, I figured why not online?
Ah, this makes more sense now that I know what is meant by 'handle' :p

My alias, as I call it, is the Japanese form of my real name. Yami = darkness, kotai = personification/embodiment of.
So, embodiment of darkness.
Now for you all to figure out what my real name is ^_^
^^George? :p

Mine was born when I was younger. Hikari is the Japanese word for "light" (also, at the time, it was part of my favorite anime character theme song, Hikari No Will Power), and cloud for a couple reasons. I actually had a full handle named which was Hikari McCloud, the McCloud for Fox McCloud (of Starfox fame). I shortened it and viola.

Also, after I shortened it and shed the full handle, the whole "light cloud" thing was easier to explain to people, since I was pretty laid back.

I'm currently thinking up a new handle, haha.
There is really nothing behind my name. I've always used it or some variation in every video game I've ever played. So I've just gotten used to using it for everything.
Synergy (from the Greek syn-ergos, συνεργός meaning working together) is the term used to describe a situation where different entities cooperate advantageously for a final outcome. Simply defined, it means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The essence of synergy is to value differences.

  • A dynamic state in which combined action is favored over the sum of individual component actions.
I've been using Synergy as my handle for 10 years or so. I always thought the meaning was significant to how I do things and work with others.
I would prefer Hefe or EL Hefe as a handle as it was my nickname in high school but you could never get that. Maybe 10 years ago I was signing up for something and thought hefemeister would be cool and there you go. Have used that ever since.

hefe = Spanish for boss
meister = German for master or English slang to demonstrate proficiency
My first name is Jordan. Don't know where I got the "soft" part from. Used to have some numbers, too, which were just randomness. So in conclusion I don't really have any special meaning or a funny joke behind my user name.
Pureessence is an awesome band from Failsworth. (somewhere across the pond from me)
They aren't widely known here in the states which is an utter shame as they play great music. I first caught wind of them by seeing their catchy album cover on iTunes. Thought I'd give it a listen and was blown away. Most of my handles in the past (for games) are music related. Plus, I just think it sounds cool, but that's just me.
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