Shrek does have a sister!!!

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his myspace said soemthing about being back from iraq lol. i do get what you mean by not all soldiers who go thru the training are good soldiers. really the problem with your system, not a major one could also be considerd a pro is the numbers. you have a very very large military. you have to consider higher numbers lower quality. where as you look at anything nato and it is insane. the us is oftenly using canadian snipers in many missions, weve got the world record for the longest shot in the world. something like 2.56 miles.

Yeah basic training is tough but anyone can pass it if they really want to. But when you start talking about sniper school, airborne, air assault etc. those are much harder and weed out the weak bodies.

Theyre not required though so you get left with crappy soldiers who don't know how to do their job right or look screwed up in uniform.

He's not quite a soldier, he said he was ROTC.

He is a soldier because he has marksmanship badges and awards. And ROTC is the school for military personnel to become officers. So is OCS, but thats a bit different.

JROTC is the one you can do in middle/high school which allows you to wear the uniform but you are not authorized to wear real military ranks and awards.

The ribbon on the left of his ribbon rack as you look at the picture is the National Defense Service Medal, which you can only get with active military service in a time of war.

Also the circle rank means he is in OCS, where you are enlisted but taking classes to become an officer.
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