Sex with dead deer not illegal

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Moral issues aside I still see way to many health risks for this to be legal. After all if it is legal how long do you think it will be before some idiot keeps a rotting deer carcass in his basement, and gets a mutated deer STD. AIDS, crabs, herpes, and now bambi rash!

But they're just so sexy!


.... But yeah thats gross.

Deer have ticks all over them. I wouldn't want my Wii anywhere near a tick.
tajahem said:
Moral issues aside I still see way to many health risks for this to be legal. After all if it is legal how long do you think it will be before some idiot keeps a rotting deer carcass in his basement, and gets a mutated deer STD. AIDS, crabs, herpes, and now bambi rash!

Didn't AIDS come from apes? I think I read that it was originally in apes and was transferred to humans. Dunno whether people were boinking monkeys or they got bit. (or got bit while trying to boink a monkey)
One guy turns to the next....
Hey bud, do you see the buns on the chimp?
Ya man, what I wouldn't do for a piece of that!!!
Well, go buy her a drink.
HAVOC2k5 said:
Just think, after he finishes having sex with the deer, he can hack it up and toss it on the grill. Venison is pretty good... I don't know about sexually abused dead deer... but free range deer makes nice steaks.

Yaaa..., after ****ing the deer and putting it on the grill is also gross because ur also just eating the comm shots u just gave the deer up its A**, unless he didnt realize it and ate everything :eek:
Its a sign of the times, unfortunately. I think it was unraveled by the lady who didn't put two and two together and say "This coffee is hot." Now on every lid that label's sitting there warning you.
Frivolus law suits??? ya...they are just stupid. Course, to me, if you got a problem with someone, you duke it out. Simple.
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