Saw 5

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Saw 5 opens up down in australia tonight. In about 3 hours, I will be going to see it.

I am looking forward to seeing where they take the plot. I do hope the traps are a little more inventive this time.

And hopefully we find out what was in the envelope in Saw III.

Plus I have noticed that there are some other chacters that are returning. According to the cast listings they are Hank, Obi, Gus, Paul, Amanda, Lynn, Jeff, Corbett, Jigsaw, Rigg, Tapp, Hoffman, Perez, Strahm, and Art.

Mind you Jigsaw, Amanda and Hoffman are pretty obvious.

Anyways, in about 3 hours time I will be seeing the 5th Saw movie. I will post how it goes when i get back.
I just came back from watching it.

This movie served more as a prequil to the 4th movie as it shows how Hoffman became the new Jigsaw killer. It goes through the events from the first 3 movies showing how he helped John in some of the earlier traps.
The razor wire trap from the first movie
The house in the second movie
He was with Jigsaw in the third movie.

The entire movie was used to flesh out his character in why became the successor to Jigsaw by the end of the 4th film.

The other part of the movie was that Agent Strahm managed to survive the 4th movie. First Hoffman comes out of the warehouse saying that he was the only survivor. Then Angent Strahm comes out seriously wounded. Strahm is suspecting Hoffman of being connected to Jigsaw some how and for the rest of the movie Strahm is on his private investigation of Hoffman.

And the final part is where we have 5 new victims connected in some way. There are stuck in a series of rooms where there are 4 traps that they need to think thier way out. For the entire time they are thinking "survival of the fittest" however it comes apparent at the last trap that if they worked together, they could all survive.

One of the highlights of the film was watching Charles, play by Carlo Rota (Morris O'Brian from '24') die. I was one of the people in the cinema shouting out "YES" at his death.

Now for the plot twist. As we all know the tag line for Saw 5 is "You won't believe how it ends". And for all those people that have seen the previos Saw movies, there was always a plot twist that was staring at us in the face from the very beginning of the film.
The plot twist in saw 5 is [BIG PLOT TWIST SPOILER]there is none. It was pretty friggen obvious that in order for Hoffman to continue Jigsaaw's work, Strahm needed to die. And that is extactly what happened. [/BIG PLOT TWIST SPOILER]

I am a bit disapointed on Saw 5. It's not as bad as Saw 4. However at the end of the day, I think it's about time they put this frachise to bed.
The reason they made so movies is to avoid making long 2-3 hours films....but yea its about time they let it go already.
omg :(((((((( not another one like 4!!!!

i wanted to see this so badly but now i don't think so. I like them all, but when you figure out saw 4 is happening at the same time 3 is, it gets confusing/annoying...but now 3, 4, AND 5 are happening at the same time?! JEEZ!!!!

ohhh yea, i've also heard they contracted it out to make 8 of these movies..i don't mind that many, but they need to stop with the "hey lets make 5 out of 8 happen at the same time!!!"
Ill see it just since i saw all the others...and im real anal about stuff like that. i have to see all the movies out of a series...even if they suck.
omg :(((((((( not another one like 4!!!!

i wanted to see this so badly but now i don't think so. I like them all, but when you figure out saw 4 is happening at the same time 3 is, it gets confusing/annoying...but now 3, 4, AND 5 are happening at the same time?! JEEZ!!!!

Thankfully it's not as confusing as 4. The flashbacks where extremely obvious. And for once this saw movie is linear. All the main events from Saw 5 happen after Saw 4.

Ill see it just since i saw all the others...and im real anal about stuff like that. i have to see all the movies out of a series...even if they suck.

Any bed, next October, I am going to be seeing Saw 6. However I think I will be waiting for tight arse tuesday this time as appose to opening night.
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