Saw 3

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I thought it was pretty good. I like the fact that it wasn't a cliche happy ending like ALL movies are these days.

I like how everything came together in the end.

I didn't know they had two more movies planned. I figured it would be the last since that guy killed jigsaw, so idk.
The first one had way better and more original traps than the other two.

Cutting off your own foot to escape, and the fact that they actually showed the whole thing. That was awesome.
The reverse beartrap was probably the most original way to kill someone ever conceived. I suspect they had to make the chick survive because it would be way too much showing her head getting ripped apart. Plus she had to stab her way through someone else.
The razorwire was meh, seemed a bit corny that he would be TRAPPED FOREVER but it related to his whole cutting himself.
The guy who gets incinerated, that was cool.

Saw 2:
The Iron Maiden was a ripoff of the reverse beartrap, and having to cut your own eye out is a ripoff of having to cut your own foot off.
The gun through the peephole was crap.
The furnace was a ripoff of the incinerated guy.
The needles were cool.
The chinese handtrap thing was sort of cool.
The electrified cage thing was crap.
The nerve gas was crap.
The crazy convict guy was crap.

Saw 3:
The body chain was cool.
The ribcage thing was cool.
The ice water was crap.
The pig guts were crap.
The body twisting thing was probably the only really good thing in the movie that rivaled the first movie. However, the whole shotgun part that killed the judge pretty much ruined it.
The shotgun collar was a ripoff of the peephole gun.
Jigsaw getting sliced up by a buzzsaw was also fairly cool.
Detective matthews bashing his foot until it came out of the chain was pretty cool.
Adam getting suffocated was crappy

Point being, nothing rivaled the feeling you get in the first movie when Dr. Gordon goes insane when he can't reached the phone and starts cutting off his foot. That entire end sequence was done so well, with Zep getting bashed about 30 times with the toilet lid. The reverse beartrap was the coolest thing ever though
I personally thought it was an incredibly good movie. You can definitely tell they spent A LOT of money on special effects. Nicely done, too. If you sit and think about the movie a bit and don't take it for face value, it makes more sense then you make it seem, IMO.

homerj14 said:
^ remember, take a girl because there are moments your gonna want to turn your head.. :D
About the only scene that did that was John's Operation .

Apart from that, the pig guts scene as put me off eating beacon and other pork products for the next little while.

Over all, I liked it. I have to say that it was a satifying conclusion to the Saw series. And I hope they do not milk this fanchise for any more money with a Saw 4. They did a pretty good job of tieing up any loose ends.
The only real loose end that remains is What Happened with Doctor Gordon from the original movie? Did he live? Or did he bleed to death. .

If you have not seen saw 1 or 2, I suggest you watch it as there is a lot of back story that will be lost on you.

gaara said:
There is no twist in this movie at all.
What you are talking about.
The plot twist was whether or not Amanda could really carry on Jigsaw legacy. Sortly after Lynn gets kidnapped, Jigsaw is explaining the rules of the game. Every one thought that he was explaining the rules to Lynn, when infact he was explaining the rules to both Amanda and Lynn.

Jigsaw Dies then Lynn dies by gun shot collar.
If Amanda kills off Lynn (like she was did to Dec. Mathews and Adam) then Jeff will kill Amanda.

In the end, it was really a test of Amanda. However i could see that coming from a mile away. At least the other 2 plot twist I did not see coming.
The only real loose end that remains
There's way more than that.

The letter that Amanda reads and flips out about, they don't explain it. I have a sneaking suspicion that Dr. Gordon is still alive and working with Jigsaw and that's what that was about.
And then there is that tape covered in wax at the end of the movie.

The plot twist was whether or not Amanda could really carry on Jigsaw legacy.
And like I said, that completely discredits the second movie where she was perfectly fine being his successor
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