Sad when quit smoking or else this may happen gets to this crap...

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The ad is a little much. I'm a light smoker myself and I'm tired of people whining at me about how it's harmful and bad for my health, etc. It's my decision and I do it to keep the stress from making me nuts. As long as I'm not breathing second hand smoke down their throats it's really no one else's business.
If you think that ad was back, back in mid 80's Australia had these anti smoking ad playing on the words of "You'll get hooked" Part of this ad involved a fish hook coming out the end of the cigerette and getting hooked in the lip of the smoker.

Even when they censored the added by a black box, i found this ad was a distasteful.
ima smoking smoker, id love to quit, .....but i too find it offensive when ppl tell me they hate it and the smell of it.

i mean, whats the world coming too?
fat chicks are fat, i cant say to them "hey get unfat! you hurt my eyes!"...instead i just nod and be nice because i know for certain nobody is perfect....and as many fat chicks i really doesnt hurt the eyes. but you get the point.

another example is:

person A doesnt believe in god, but gets god shoved down his/her throat every day in almost every way. but if it was the other way around, people would have a cow.

not sure what else to say on the matter, somethings just are not correct in my eyes.
I am an ex-smoker myself. Don't have a problem with any one else wanting to light up.
But people don't realize how much they actually spend on cigarettes over time. My friend's two parents both used to smoke a pack a day. Let's do the math and just say an even 5 bucks for cigarettes, but it was probably even more here:

2 packs x 5 dollars = 10 dollars per day

$10/day x 7 days a week = 70 dollars a week

$70 x 52 weeks a year = $3640/year

They both smoked since before my friend was born, and my friend was 16 when they stopped. Say 20 years each:

$3640 x 20 = $72,800

That's a lot of money, and it could've made a huge difference on the lives of their three kids, not to mention they'd be healthier. And not to mention the disgusting stuff they put in it, such as ammonia, arsenic, carbon monoxide, lead, and sometimes even more disgusting stuff that I'll let you find out for yourself.
The ad worked. Here you are all talking about smoking, unfortuantely in you lot it hasn't pulled the desired reaction. That advert made you talk about it, it did it's job. But maybe 1 in 10 people will giveup when seeing this add. Hundreds of thousands of people die from smoking related illness's, so if your saving thousands of lifes. That's a success.

I don't have a problem with smoking, i have friends that smoke. It doesn't bother me, it only bothers when people smoke with little regard for the effect on people around them, like a father of 3 young children smoking 40 a day, that annoys me.

Ethan Kaizer, yes that stuff is in cigarettes. But they do not put it in intentionally. Why would they ? The amounts of arsenic in cigarettes is so exceptionally low you could legally buy it with no ID because it is only at trace levels, and not dangerous enough to kill anything. You will probably find all that stuff is in the middle of a large city if you took a sample of the air.
Not only will quitting save you vast amounts of money, but it will also help your loved ones. Both my grandparents died from emphysema far earlier in their life than they should have, and as a result it caused much emotional distress upon the family for the loss. If you dont care about you life, others around you do. Not only that but there are people like me who are highly allergic to second hand smoke, i've nearly died on several occasions where someone was smoking around me and i managed to find my way into their "cloud" and then found myself waking up in the hospital the next day. Plus, would you recommend someone to start smoking? if not, then why do you continue if you know it's bad? because you are "hooked" i would assume. Smoking is a hot topic with me because it killed my family, and almost me. sorry if i have offended anyone, its just how i feel
Everything causes cancer, and heart disease, don't ya read the california reading label ****? lmfao....

Seriously though, we ALLLLREADDDYYYY KNOW THE FRIGGEN SIDE EFFECTS. I know it costs a boat load of money, I know it can cause, throat cancer, lung cancer, heart issues, weight issues, aging issues, and so on. But how much of that is really caused by cigarettes? Automobile exhaust has gone up, we have more pollutants in the air now than ever before. **** 6 years ago they found that in everyones drinking water there was traces of the fuel used in the space shuttles which was causing and still causing birth defects, so in all honesty, you guys, can NOT blame every disease on cigarettes because someone smokes them and dies of a disease.... That is like saying, hey these people are supposed to live till the age of 100. Also if you think about it, the average life span was only 40 some odd years in the LATE 1800s, early 1900s.

Lets see... I spend around $1000 a year on cigarettes... I spend a good $3000 on car parts and tune ups for my car, and I spend yet another $300 on my pc every year... Now, tell me, how that $1000 a year is going to help with bills, yay, one house payment, or electric bill payed out of the year.

But yes I can understand if it offends people, hence the reason, I stay OUT of large crowds outside while smoking. But what about the places people used to enjoy smoking such as restaurants, where 90% of the customers at that restaurant smoke, or a bar? What right does 1, out of 10 have against those 10, especially when there is a similar place down the road that DOESN'T allow smoking?
Charles, i think you are just being ignorant about the effects of smoking. It has been proved hundreds of times that people that smokers are tens of times more likely to get lung cancer. it causes premature facial aging FACT. You can tell a heavy smoker a mile off, just like a heavy heroin and cocaine user.

Not only is it utterly unhealthy for you, it's unbeneficial for the entire country. It cost the NHS for England alone £3Billion to look after heavy smokers last year. That money could of been spent on much more beneficial projects, instead of those to selfish to look after their own bodies.

I don't see the problem with recreational smoking on a night out, i've done it, my family has done it. That is not a problem. I have not got addicted at all, i have smoked perhaps 50 or 100 cigarettes and not had any problem. It is not as easy to get addicted as people make out, you have to smoke a lot and want to get addicted to actually get addicted. People that smoke once or twice a week are not a problem, they do not need looking after, and the health effects are much less of a problem - because the body can get rid of all the effects of 1 cigarette in 3 days, roughly.
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