Riddles are pure fun

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Ridlyn said:
What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter?


all of mine were answered cause i got the off a website, trotter got all the answers correct.

(he probably googled it)
I have another favourite, taken from another book I had read.

If a lilly grows on a log in the center of a pond and it doubles every day untill it covers the whole pond in sixty days, on which day does it have half the pond covered?

Chankama had a very good aproach to my first riddle, 200lbs is correct.
The begins with e and ends with e is an envelope, "it only has one letter" is the tricky part. letter like a note not an alphabetic letter.
yosa said:
I have another favourite, taken from another book I had read.

If a lilly grows on a log in the center of a pond and it doubles every day untill it covers the whole pond in sixty days, on which day does it have half the pond covered?

Chankama had a very good aproach to my first riddle, 200lbs is correct.

day 59
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