restless leg syndrome

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And to Chris, unfortunately, there is little option for free medical care if you don't have insurance. You can usually find a free clinic someplace but they are usually severely under funded and very unsavory places. Nearly all hospitals and doctor offices are privatized.

It is sad that you don't get free medical care and when you do find a place that offers it for free it is underfunded or frequented by the less desirable elements of society. Being healthy is a right of all people not just for a privileged few that can afford to pay for it.
"find a free clinic or even post your symptoms on a medical message board. i don't suppose there are many doctors on tech forums. several e-doctors, i'm sure, but not real ones."

I know that but I was just wondering if anybody could help me out which you guys did.
All very true. We're quite some time off from joining the rest of the 1st world in having free medical care, however. Thankfully, since I'm a full time student, I still qualify for coverage under my mother's plan. Otherwise I could never afford to pay for my own insurance. And co pays are still tough. $90 for an ambulance ride plus $60 for an emergency room visit? Outrageous.
Dude that is way over priced. I have to go and get checkups on my shoulder every now and then but that is free but I would hate to see what it would cost in the US for the amount of treatment I had to have in the last year.
thats alright I hate taking pills.

You think $90 is bad for an Ambulance ride? Over here its about $500.00 oh and if thats not bad enough the ambulance place is right down the road about 1 minute from my house but it takes them 20-30 minutes to get to my house. I could bike or drive there and back about 50 times in what it takes them to get to my house.
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