Really Simple Tutorial For Getting a Song off a website.

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Daemon Poster
If you're not a noob, and you just happened to "forget" how to do this, then this tutorial is for joo too.

Scenario: One day you wander upon a uber 1337 website like such( ), and you find a cool song like this one ( ).

Now, listenining to it in the embeded player is pretty leet, but you want the midi file so you can send it to your phone or something! But WHAT THE HEK AM I SUPPOSE TO DO!?!??!!??!?!? Don't panick, for I am here :)

So basically you get something like this(Fig. 1):
(Fig. 1)

So there are two options:
1. Jump off a 24 story building because WoW told you to.
2. Continue this tutorial.

As you can see, there are no simple embeddable code they give you, nor are there any save buttons, what do you do?

1.Right click the screen. (Fig 2).
(Fig. 2)

2. click "Veiw Page Source"

3.Now this awesome screen will pop up!(Fig. 3)
(Fig. 3)

Now you're prolly panicking and ready to commit seppuku, unless you're leaving all your stuff to me after you die, DON'T!

4a. Modern internet browsers have given us a quicker solution than prawling through those hundreds of lines of codes. The search feature! Most browsers (IE, Firefox, etc..) make CTRL+F the default shortcut to the search feature. Now you will get something that looks like this:

4b. If you can read scripts like me, you can prolly just scroll through and find it easily, most Video and Music starts with a <embed..... code, so that should hint you to where the file is.

5.Type in the extension of the song (mp3, mid, wav, wmv, etc..). In this case, its a mid file (pretty obvious). And in the serach we come up with this(fig 5):
(fig. 5)


Ok so now we got the URL, big deal, that doesn't help me at all, wait IT DOES!

-If the URL is already posted on the site, you wasted all your time, you can just right click that URL and "save target as" and you would have saved those 30 seconds.

-If you just have the URL in text format, please continue to "1"

1. Ok so now you have the URL, in this case: ( )
You can actually go to that URL and right click it and save target as. But of course, no one wants you to spam the forum by posting links to songs you like, so here is what you do.
Go to some guestbook feature or some website that YOU own and post the URL so it is in "Link" form.

In this case, I will be using my IDX guestbook.(fig. 1b)

(fig. 1b)

Type in the URL of the thing you want to save and press send.(fig 2b.)
(fig 2b)

Go to the link you posted and right click it, then select "Save Target As" (fig. 3b)
(fig. 3b)

Save that to any location you won't forget like your desktop, now you can listen to that file anytime you want! This would work on sites that do not give you links to their songs, people's online journals, etc..
If anyone has a better alternative to PART 2, please tell me!
Tutorial Composer: RockyZ (me)
Images: Me
Browser used: Mozilla Firefox (awesome leet)
Websites used:
- (ringtones)
- (IDX Forums)
- (photo uploads)
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