read the question before you answer


Daemon Poster
why cant people read the question before posting a reply that is completely unrelated to the question asked

maybe the moderators don't realize how much clutter it creates or how much forum space it takes up when people don't read the OP's question and reply with something that OP didn't even ask about. derailing the thread and wasting everyone's time

if you don't know the answer or don't understand the question then either don't reply or ask the OP to clarify.

multiple times it happened.

I asked a question and instead of answering everyone keeps trying to convince me to switch my preferred browser to something else...

I did not ask you what browser to use or whether I should use this app or different app
I asked to help me fix a problem with the app im using because I prefer to use that app instead of whatever the $ you are using. that is your preference.

its like when someone asks to fix a problem with their windows PC and everyone suggests him to use Linux or mac.
Some call it good advice for free and are grateful and apply it and problem solved. Boo hoo.
what you call advice that wasn't asked for?

theres the free advice when someone actually reads the question and gives advice on topic and then theres just junk that people post because they feel like they are better than others and continuously try to project their beliefs and ideas onto others.
like suggesting to use their preferred app instead of what OP uses even when OP doesn't ask about it
UFO. say you go to a repair shop to fix your Mercedes . you like Mercedes even though its a pos and high maintenance. but the guys keeps suggesting you to go buy a Toyota camry because its the most reliable car... what would you say to that mechanic?
Zing..... Idk I do my own mechanic work (not on Mercedes haha). Mellow out brah, people trying to help you incorrectly on your personal message board, tsk tsk. Egregious! Sounds the triggered alarm! Call my lawyer. Call a press conference. Anti-windoze hate crime! (sobs so heavily into kefiah Starbucks gets knocked over and stains it. Then cries more)
bad analogy cause Windows 10 is more like a 1972 Opel Kadet, and Linux would be more like a Mercedes
Both equally **** right?

I can understand the point a bit, but when you talk about IE dude that's like saying my engine is blown and they don't make parts anymore but can't understand why it won't run.
IE works just fine for the most part. it is still faster when it opens than firefox and when clicking pages the delay is noticeably shorter.
that's why I use it because I notice those little things.
same with old photo viewer. it has less delay when opening.
im going through windows quick and delay messes up my operation because I click something else before window opens because I expect it to open faster...
my pc is finally able to keep up with my clicking and multitasking now the apps are delaying the process..
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