Radar Detectors (You know, for the vehicles!)

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Daemon Poster
Just curious of those who own these (if anyone?)...now I know two people with 'em. I see them all over the net, but they don't seem to do much. Priced $50 and up to $400...

Just myself, I "never" speed (hah)...I bought one just to try out at Best Buy, it was about $300. When it sounded the alarm, one of two things seemed to be: it was a false alert, or the cop was already there. Now of course I returned it (never planned on keeping it, just wanted to test it!), but I'm just curious...:) Here in Tucson, there's constant ads on the radio for a "Phaser" that supposedly jams any radar in the air by sending false numbers to "confuse" the cop's detector, but once again, from online reviews (while it costs several hundred), it works worth garbage.

Anyone have a "good" experience with these?!
I have the perfect method of avoiding cops....drive an x-cop car

every time i go through road block different police men tell me how they love my model car because they got laid in them so many times...needless to say when i got home i gave my car a thorough cleaning....

I havnt tried the radar thing, but if i hear good things about them, i may just pick one up :)
eh, their not legal. don't fox with it, they don't work most of the time unless you put out alot of money on like a valentine1 or something...
I'm not really sure how those things were ever legal.

I mean, it's a device that literally helps you break the law. The ONLY reason you use it is to break the law.

I would be REALLY interested in knowing how those things were ever allowed in the first place.
Cop is watching the street.

Cop sees someone slamming on their brakes, or flying by.

Cop doesn't need detector, he knows something's up, pulls you over.

Cop sees radar detector on dash.

Cop knows it's no longer legal to have one even if it's turned off.


Happens all the time around here, and you wouldn't believe how people whine about it. Seriously, sometimes I wish this was Russia and we could just cap them.
ah, yes, i don't use a radar detector, but i just know the good ones, my father always swears by em, that's his problem, although he speeds all the time and never has been pulled over once, he's just lucky then? i'm 25, only been driving 5 years, don't use a detector, got pulled over a couple times doing only moderately over the speed limit. if people want to take a chance to do something illegal, that's not my decision, they are going to do what they are going to do. i don't even know my point to that paragraph, so let's skip it.

now, what if there are people who are a wee bit on the ignorant side of vehicle law, like a teenager who just got his/her license, and say they go to walmart and see these illegal detectors, but they don't know any better and buy one and use it. now, even if they don't speed, they are still breaking the law by using said device. now, what i want to know is this, why are stores selling these illegal devices and why are companies making them and distributing them to states where it is illegal to own and operate a detector? so the laws are, you can't speed, of course, and you can't use a detector, so why not either ban the detectors from being sold in the first place, or fine the companies and stores who sell the detectors in areas where they are illegal? makes more sence to me.
now, what i want to know is this, why are stores selling these illegal devices and why are companies making them and distributing them to states where it is illegal to own and operate a detector? so the laws are, you can't speed, of course, and you can't use a detector, so why not either ban the detectors from being sold in the first place, or fine the companies and stores who sell the detectors in areas where they are illegal? makes more sence to me.

That's a really good question. I wish we knew, but unfortunately we don't. The bureaucracy can get pretty darn stupid sometimes. (Okay, a lot of times...)

Maybe it's kind of an under-handed state thing, where they tried to gode idiots into buying them, so they can just pull them over and fine them, sending that money into the state's coffers?
Sometimes it's legal to own something, but it's illegal to use it. That's how novelty stores can sell drug paraphanalia.

Also, I don't think they are illegal in every state.

Maybe people should use them to find police whenever they need them....yeah, that's it! LoL!

Dave :D
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