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W()()T I just got the iWoz audio book - even if you don't like apple you can't deny that Woz was a hugely significant face in the early days of personal computers.

Oh an cold pastrami is a crime.
why would you have cold pastrami?

i made a delicious sandwhich once upon a time... had pastrami, pepperoni's, salami (typo?), crushed red peppers, and pepperjack cheese... god it was delicious
It comes in packs an sits in the fridge there is know where round here that makes it fresh.
Nope no ware, I live right next to a large shopping center but no butcher mostly iceland, farm foods, basic low cost frozen food not very nice.
yea sadly the only sandwich places round here that are any good are either closed on a sunday or close before i can get there on a week day. In the UK most peoples idea of a sandwich shop is subway god I hate that place all prepackadged crap.
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