Potentially the longest thread in history...

Nah man I get it. I'm the same way with my sister, especially since she went back to smoking.

Welcome to IT. Where literally everybody uses something IT related in their lives and we are the most underappreciated group in existence.

Did you want just solid black or shadow gradient as well?

Oh I know full well it's like that, and always has been. I just like to rant about it. Thinking about it i've already worked in IT for 7 years now, dang:\ doesn't feel that long since I started. But in actual fact I started at DHL as an apprentice engineer at 17yo, and now i'm 24. I feel old. I kinda miss DHL though, it was cool working at an airport.
Oh I know full well it's like that, and always has been. I just like to rant about it. Thinking about it i've already worked in IT for 7 years now, dang:\ doesn't feel that long since I started. But in actual fact I started at DHL as an apprentice engineer at 17yo, and now i'm 24. I feel old. I kinda miss DHL though, it was cool working at an airport.
Lol old at 24. I was still partying at 24. I didn't start going downhill till I was 28. Now I'm 30 and feel like death every morning.

Trotter how's this buddy?


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26. I still feel like a child. :lol:

The air around work is electrified right now... Falcon Heavy is launching next week and everyone's super excited and nervous. I'm feeling a bit of both myself.

Assuming it launches successfully, a little part of me will be floating around in space until it falls into another planets gravity well. :tongue:
Hahaha just a joke :p I won't post the watermelon version lul

Today has been a glorious day so far. Woke up early and got the lawns fed/watered, dog washed, groceries done. Next up, relaxing for the rest of the day with a BBQ for dinner :grin: had some chicken pieces marinading for 3 days now, also got a pork shoulder roast to try smoking a little then finishing w/ indirect heat from teh coals in the weber.

Definitely needed some R&R after migrating our phone services yesterday, it nearly came to catastrophe thanks to an inept remote tech who didn't delete the users on our sip services before trying to set them up on the new service -_- calls kept being rejected throwing a weird 'ROSE' error, spent a good hour trying solutions desperately before the tech remembered he hadn't done step 1 in his ****ing plan. 'sakes...
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