Potentially the longest thread in history...

So I got my bike on Tuesday, only ridden it 500 meters to check it's in good working order (don't have my full license yet).

Just found the rear tyre completely flat.. i've managed to ride over a nail or something in 500 meters :sleep:
On the subject of bikes, I have a newfound dislike of riding my pushbike fast down hills :p my sister was going down one at ~75km/hr (~46mph) and her front tube popped. Dropped straight into the road before she even registered what was happening, broke her jaw in two places. Lucky she didn't lose any teeth :S but **** me I've done similar downhill rides a ton of times, now I'm kinda hesitant to push the envelope that much. HNNNNNNNNNGH.
So I got my bike on Tuesday, only ridden it 500 meters to check it's in good working order (don't have my full license yet).

Just found the rear tyre completely flat.. i've managed to ride over a nail or something in 500 meters :sleep:

That's brilliant, and just typical lol :p
On the subject of bikes, I have a newfound dislike of riding my pushbike fast down hills :p my sister was going down one at ~75km/hr (~46mph) and her front tube popped. Dropped straight into the road before she even registered what was happening, broke her jaw in two places. Lucky she didn't lose any teeth :S but **** me I've done similar downhill rides a ton of times, now I'm kinda hesitant to push the envelope that much. HNNNNNNNNNGH.

I'm confused about the hnng usage in this context.
Old guy having a heart attack, c'est moi at the thought of riding like that anymore.

Today was pretty good as far as mondays go, spent the arvo at the pub with a mate and grabbed some ramen for dinner, ended trying to harvest honey from my hive but got stung too many times cause I have no bee smoker and only one bee suit so walked away honeyless this time lol

Also hot damn, we've finally finished migrating to 365 and I'm just getting into the powershell side of it, YOU CAN DO SO MANY THINGS ASDFASDFASDFASDF
I'm making a quick helper gui to start with that'll let me lookup quick user stats (size, set/get permissions, groups, last access, etc), full message tracing, and a quick quarantine checker. Moving from 2007 this is heaven :p hawt. damn.

edit: though **** me it comes at a steep price. Outlook is so much more prone to freezing/crashing now as most users have other's mailboxes added in addition to their own. If something hasn't been synced properly yet and you dare click the containing account/folder, outlook helpfully stops responding for 2-5 minutes while it grabs that for you
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Old guy having a heart attack, c'est moi at the thought of riding like that anymore.

Today was pretty good as far as mondays go, spent the arvo at the pub with a mate and grabbed some ramen for dinner, ended trying to harvest honey from my hive but got stung too many times cause I have no bee smoker and only one bee suit so walked away honeyless this time lol

Also hot damn, we've finally finished migrating to 365 and I'm just getting into the powershell side of it, YOU CAN DO SO MANY THINGS ASDFASDFASDFASDF
I'm making a quick helper gui to start with that'll let me lookup quick user stats (size, set/get permissions, groups, last access, etc), full message tracing, and a quick quarantine checker. Moving from 2007 this is heaven :p hawt. damn.

edit: though **** me it comes at a steep price. Outlook is so much more prone to freezing/crashing now as most users have other's mailboxes added in addition to their own. If something hasn't been synced properly yet and you dare click the containing account/folder, outlook helpfully stops responding for 2-5 minutes while it grabs that for you

I made this for creating new users in AD and syncing them to O365 with the correct mailbox permissions etc . https://imgur.com/a/AA47hTg

And yes I know it's not all lined up perfectly, but I dont care enough to fix it :p

I have some regulars that I use.

Get list of Mailbox folders for a user (useful if they're saying a folder is missing or whatever):
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity test.user@billsaveuk.com | select -Property Identity

Check how many O365 licenses you have:
import-module MSOnline
$msolpwd = ConvertTo-SecureString 'password' -AsPlainText -Force
$msolcred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("admin.user@domain.com", $msolpwd)
Connect-MsolService -Credential $msolcred
$skus = Get-MsolAccountSku | where -Property AccountSkuID -EQ yourlicenseSkuID
$available = ($skus.ActiveUnits - $skus.ConsumedUnits)
Write-Host "There are $available available licenses"

We run this is an automated script. It scans for AD users disabled in the past hour, and removes their Office 365 license and then emails a license report over to the specified email addresses.

$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString “password” -AsPlainText -Force
$msolcred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("admin.user@domain.com",$secpasswd)
Connect-MsolService -Credential $msolcred 
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=Users,OU=Billsaveuk,DC=billsaveuk,DC=com" -Filter { Enabled -eq $false} -Properties Modified | Where {$_.Modified -ge $(Get-Date).AddHours(-1)} | Ft UserPrincipalName | Out-File C:\PSScripts\DisabledUsersNew.txt #Creates AD Search with all disabled users in previous hour
$userstd = Get-Content C:\PSScripts\DisabledUsersNew.txt
ForEach($user in $userstd){
    if(Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $user | where -Property 'isLicensed' -eq $true){
       $user2 = $user
       Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $user2 -RemoveLicenses "billsaveuk:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM"
       Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $user2 | ft UserPrincipalName | Out-File C:\PSScripts\LicenseRemoved.txt -Append
$licremoved = Get-Content C:\PSScripts\LicenseRemoved.txt
$skus = Get-MsolAccountSku | where -Property AccountSkuID -EQ billsaveuk:o365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM
$skunum = ($skus.ActiveUnits - $skus.ConsumedUnits)
Write-host "There are $skunum licenses`n`n`n"
$Body = "The following users Office 365 licenses were removed: `n`n`n$licremoved `n`n`nThere are now $skunum Office 365 licenses free" 
$SMTPServer = "smtp.office365.com"
$SMTPPort = 587
$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString 'password' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential (“sending.user@domain.com”, $pwd)
if($user2 -like "*@*"){

Send-MailMessage -From sending.user@domain.com -To test.user@domain.com -Subject "Office 365 Licenses Removed" -Body $Body -SmtpServer smtp.office365.com -Port 587 -Credential $cred -UseSsl
Remove-Item C:\PSScripts\DisabledUsersNew.txt
Remove-Item C:\PSScripts\LicenseRemoved.txt

One of my favorities, the search mailbox function. It'll dump the search results as a new folder in the specified mailbox.

$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid -Credential $UserCredential  -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
Search-Mailbox -Identity "test.user@domain.com" -SearchQuery 'from:"no-reply@dropboxmail.com" AND subject:"Information regarding unshared folders"' -TargetMailbox "Test User" -TargetFolder "Dropbox" -LogLevel Full
On the subject of bikes, I have a newfound dislike of riding my pushbike fast down hills :p my sister was going down one at ~75km/hr (~46mph) and her front tube popped. Dropped straight into the road before she even registered what was happening, broke her jaw in two places. Lucky she didn't lose any teeth :S but **** me I've done similar downhill rides a ton of times, now I'm kinda hesitant to push the envelope that much. HNNNNNNNNNGH.
Full-shell helmet rather than just a half or three-quarter-shell (especially when you're gonna be going that fast)?

I have some regulars that I use.

Get list of Mailbox folders for a user (useful if they're saying a folder is missing or whatever):

Check how many O365 licenses you have:

Should put your scripts in Github, Bitbucket, or at least some source control repository, if you don't already.
Does anyone know anything about CB Radios, I really wanna by one but unsure if I should because I don't know any thing about them. I found a few starter kits on Amazon but don't really know what all the technical jargon is.

Is anyone clued up about them and able too tell me what the tech jargon is all about.

What do you gyes think of this:


Or this:


Does anyone know anything about CB Radios, I really wanna by one but unsure if I should because I don't know any thing about them. I found a few starter kits on Amazon but don't really know what all the technical jargon is.

Is anyone clued up about them and able too tell me what the tech jargon is all about.

What do you gyes think of this:


Or this:



My granddad used to have them before he passed away, was pretty cool you could listen to police radio and stuff. This was 15 years ago though, not sure if you can do that anymore.
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