Potentially the longest thread in history...

Uneducated game journalists annoy me. "Producing PS3 visuals on the PS Vita is an incredible feat". This statement falls flat immediately given several technicalities, chiefly the fact that games like Gran Turismo 5 on PS3 run at 1080P. Thats 1920x1080, which is 2073600. The PSV is 960 x 544, which is 522 240. Thats a quater of the pixels it would have to push if GT5 were to be ported. But even if it was indeed ported (please?), PSV textures and models are not on the PS3's level, they arn't really even close when you blow them up. But you can't see this so easy on a 5" screen, and with the screen OLED it's bound to make graphics look better just due to it being on an OLED screen.

I would wager PSV is not even 1/10th the power of the PS3. How stupid do you have to be to believe it's even close to as powerful ?

I'm not suggesting PSV games don't look awesome, they do, and they look like PS3 visuals due to the aforementioned, but in reality they are not even close. Of probably 10 reviews i've read, atleast half make this statement of the PSV rivalling the PS3's power, and it's getting very irratating.

Another issue is people that do not understand the fact that maybe just maybe some of the bad aspects of the PSV are due to technical limitations, and not just sony being asses. People complaing about not being able to open an infinite applications, and believe it or not one youtube reviewer complained about not being able to play two games at once. Just wow, really ? do these people even know what RAM is ? If not you don't deserve to review a Vita, or any piece of technology for that matter. Leave it to people who can understand and seperate bad design from technical limitations.
Re: Today I have...

Today I installed new ice maker in new freezer, only to find out our old line had cracked when I disconnected it, get to go out and buy a new line kit... I also managed to get my processor to downclock to 800mhz @ 16w when not under heavy use, normally sits at 3.5Ghz @ 120w xD I have a feeling this will help save a huge chunk on my electrical bill. Gonna be setting the rest of the computers around the home to use cool n quiet and c1e if possible... :3
Re: Today I have...

I have been living with one of those under my left pointer finger for over a week now.

Late reply.
I would be driven insane if I left a splinter in. I have to remove them the moment that I get them. The feeling of it annoys me to no end.
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