Potentially the longest thread in history...

What's the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is a concept that concerns the possible purpose and significance that may be attributed to human existence and/or one's personal life. It has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific and theological speculation, and there is a huge variety of views concerning this philosophical problem.

Good old Wikipedia :)
my 7200.11 500gb reads only 465gb also
, im with you saxon, it really ****es me off.
have you guys just now realized all this????
i mean you didnt notice that every single hard drive youve had has not been read as the same capacity as the box advertised???
The meaning of waffles, I dunno. I guess it was just some crypted message sent down by the waffle gods to confuse us humans.

The HD thing could go along with a lot of computer items though. Example: RAM, it says 2.0gb for me right now, but by all rights shouldn't it be 2.024gb?
Sorry to veer off from the HD thing but i'm liking the waffles... with what exactly though... jam?
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