please GOD NO!!!

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I'll feel bad for that kid. Knowing there are sex videos of your mother out there on the internet and old losers whacking off to it will be so bad. But not as bad as having Paris Hilton as a mother. At least s/he will be spoiled so they'll be happy about that, but spoiling children should only be reserved for grandparents. But when your mom gets paid for attending parties, I guess it doesn't matter since everything will be paid for by someone else.
So..... who's the farther?

Last time I check, Paris is like the village bike. Every body's had a ride!!!!

Don't tell me that anyone here finds THAT to be even the least bit attractive.
One entry found for skank.

Main Entry: skank
Pronunciation: 'skank
Function: noun
Etymology: American Slang
1 chiefly repulsive : a slovenly woman
2 a : a promiscuous woman; especially : PROSTITUTE b : a saucy girl : MINX ; trashy
3 a: Paris Hilton; b: Brittany Spears c: Jerry Springer guests

- skan·ki·ly adverb
- skan·kish·ness noun
- skan·ky / adjective
Just tell her she has to be fat for 9 months, then she'll not want to have kids anymore.
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