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mike imma let you finish, but beyonce has the coolest name OF ALL TIME.

my gamer tag's are Piz~ (from HaloPC back in the day) and Hot Like Dimes, but i like my username here. simple and easy.
What ?! tell me your kidding right ? that joke of a dancer and singer who calls herself a pop star and a black diva ?
LOLOLOL! I never liked the woman and everytime I hear her on the radio or by television within 30 seconds either she's tuned to something else or whatever is playing her song gets broken very quickly.
I've seen other better women singers out due her anyday step by step, word for word....
I've always been either Dingis Fargle (my original name) or iFargle :tongue:
On Xbox Live and Playstaion Network I'm Angry Amoeba or something along those lines. I came up with that name quite a few years ago when a friend of mine and I were coming up with names for Counter Strike. I always thought it was funny to think of an amoeba that was angry.
I try to use the name 'Frusty Clunger' whenever I can. Neither are actual words, but it sounds like the most revolting thing ever to exist.
Not a fan of usernames as you may have noticed, but if I do its nickm926, 926 is born in 92 on the 6th
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