Origination of your User Name

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Good question. Strangely enough, I can't say I remember...:laughing:

I don't think I have much else signed up under that name. Lately I've been going with things like "jazzed" (such as my Gmail) where I can get it without any numbers or attachments...I've signed up to a couple things as "piano-in-a-box" but "qiranworms" I only used a few years ago, and I just used it when I registered tech-forums two years ago.
My screen name is my last name.

I was usually called "Trotter" by most of my teachers, all of my friends, and even my dad! It has sort of stuck around all these years.

Now, my daughter is beginning to run into the same phnom in high school. But, somehow, it just doesn't hang as well on her...
Duh! ^^^

Doesn't matter, though, since she's still being called "Trotter."
Liked the show Andromeda. And the geekiness and un-orthodoxness of the Seamus Harper reminds me of myself.

And yes, I know the later seasons (especially season 5) of Andromeda has been lacking. Especially since Rommie (Lexa Doig) has only come back in 2 episodes ago.
'Pizza the Hut' is a character from my favorite movie, "Spaceballs". The movie is a "Star Wars" parody done by Mel Brooks, and Pizza the Hut is supposed to be Jabba the Hut, but he is entirely made of pizza. He dies by becoming locked in his car and eating himself to death, hahaha. By the way, I'm not fat, the eating to death part is just funny, no real life resemblance :) The '06' part of my name comes from the year that I'm supposed to graduate college, 2006.
I thought you got your name from like.. Umm.. well Harpers from games I guess. Like kinda similar to a Bard. er cripes.. hmm well I guess I didnt have any idea. At any rate no I am not a girl, I like to think far from it, but I do have more clothes than most girls I know:(.
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