Never ending story ver 1.0

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another FX-60 came along, and made a copy of itself, and both those made copies of themselves, and they kept on copying themselves until everybody in the world had one....
and then they all took over control of their unlocked multipliers and made themselves more worthless than a buch of early pentium 4's, and then they...

yea, that's right! I said it!! SWOLLEN UTTERS!!!

only to find that the never ending story was slowly diminishing...

he then screamed "SWOLLEN UTTERS!!!"

and all of a sudden...
he tripped over a magical spell that only needed the words "SWOLLEN UTTERS!!!" to be muttered to be brought to life. The cow god, Moosana made enough cows to cure world hunger, but there were too many cows, so everyone...

but, due to the fact that there were too many cows.. they were all bloated...

the only solution was to get some ipecac which...
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