My leaving of TF....

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or just smarter teenagers...
We dont need necesarily more "smarter" ppl cause this is a place of learning but more of a mature crownd thats willing to sit back and say they are wrong and for ppl not to flame a good post because of the person its coming from. Didnt know you but peace bro, hopefully this place will mature up to what ti used to be when i joined and you will want to come back w/ your own name.
Re: Re: Re: My leaving of TF....

beedubaya said:
Although i do think it would be nice to get some more older people (post-highschool) here.
Ia m 28 years old and I am operations manager in a IT Firm. Does that count?

Honestly, I have been around to many other IT Forums, and I have yet to come across one that is as good at TF.

(well, maybe TF2 when that's all happening)
You flatter me mate

I believe that TF is indeed a stepping stone, and that TF2 is being made as the next level up and I hope the content will be a bit more selective

Take it easy
P.P. Mguire said:
We dont need necesarily more "smarter" ppl cause this is a place of learning but more of a mature crownd thats willing to sit back and say they are wrong and for ppl not to flame a good post because of the person its coming from.

couldn't have said it better
DJ-CHRIS said:

I wont really miss you, nor do I really know who you are.

Damnit Chris why are you so blunt!!!? Oh well that is whats cool about you, you tell it like it is...

Peace, it seemed like you caused a lot of spats and fights, gl in life.
Tech-Forums does have a lot of teenagers. myself included (I'm 16)
I'll have to admit, when I first joined, my posts were not extremely good. now that I've been here for over 2 years, if I look back on some of my first posts, I always say to myself "wow, was I really like that?"

although I'd have to say that being on TF has given me a whole lot, which I wouldn't have got anywhere else.
when I first joined, the contrast between me and a lot of the users was really high. most of the users were at least in their 20's or 30's, with some teenagers, and it was a lot more about solving problems. now, it seems to be a whole lot of teenagers asking "what video card/CPU/whatever should I buy?" (which is probabbly why the hardware section got split up)
thanks to Emily, a lot of users now have searches in their sig. but unfortunately, not many people use them.

I'll definately be staying at TF. when TF2 gets up, I'll probabbly be there more often than here though.
Well there is a reason why the post-high school comment was made. Being [Mature] is not really enough. In high shcool you just don't learn enough about computers. In school or independently. I am not dissing high school kids. Because it's not really their fault. They are simply just younger people. It's not their fault that they are young :)

Only when you go to higher education do you [really] learn computers. And I am not talking about how to assemble a computer better.

TF needs older people so that they can give their knowledge to the younger crowd in high school. Similarly, when the younger guys grow up and further their education, they can do the same!
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