Most BOGUS TRAFFIC TRICKS cops do to slow you down?!?!?

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I seen cops having traps here.
and we have some cameras around.
but the cops arnt that active.

I have been driving for 14 years never got any speedtickets. or any other tickets.

And i drive fast some times.
usaly when the limit is 80 km/h i go 100 km/h. if its 100 km/h i go 130 km/h
Her all speed cameras has to have a sign 100 M or more in front of them. :) so its easy. se the sign slow down to u se the camera.

I do have to say that i never speed in low speed areas.
lol.. true story im sure some of you have heard..
A guy got busted for speeding and like said above.. they took a picture of his car him and his liscense plate... they gave him a ticket for 40 dollars.. so he took a picture of 40 bucks and sent it back.. then they sent a picture of handcuffs back to him.. the ticket was paid.. lol
yeah cops are really annoying out here in maryland, they hide up in those phone truck buckets acting like they are fixing the traffic lights or something, but their really clocking people as ther come over a hill.

They also have a shit load of undercover casual cars. One being a green camaro with rims, and the whole racer look, almost actually tried racing him till i saw the little red and blue lights sitting on his dash. Sneaky bastards.
They dont bother pulling me over, to many meth labs lol...... But umm yea last time i checked they give us a 7mph leanway either way because people have differnt tires put on there cars so it ****s up there gadges...
I always always always go over the speed limit, and I never, ever, ever get tickets for it:D
Actually, tonight on my way back home, there was this chick in a Sebring who thought she could take my Mustang (hehehe) And I blew past her like nothing, but then I slowed back down to the speed limit. Well, she took this opportunity to blow right back past me... well, she kept going, and when I got into town, she had been pulled over :p I thought about a friendly honk as I drove by, but then I thought she might try to rat me out to the cop or something :confused:

but yeah, I drive foot-to-the-floor all the time :)
a cop here hinds behind a fence that is impossiable to see the cop until you pass by the fence and the car is even unmarked so when people the other way see him they would never had known he was a cop until a nice litlle tiket is handed. LOL one time I was driving with my older brother and when we passed that cop we knew it was a cop and just waved at him. not that funny buit I thought it was because 3 ppl in the car did it even the driver.
South Carolina is the worst, they have bmws, suvs, just random cars just cruising the highway waiting to nab you. I am in FL now but when I was in SC I didnt speed.
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