Most annoying internet word/phrase.

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I really don't mind the internet chat if used properly. a lol and wtf here and there work, but in forums there is no excuse to not use proper grammar and spelling. Poizen that means You! lol. As far as slang goes I really don't understand "Boo". I don't know where it came form and what it means. I have heard it used so many ways. The thing that really gets me are people who append "xzor" onto words, ie; Roxzor my boxzors. I think we all remember that one. Worst word of 2005.

I actually say roflcopter in real life but it is more of a joke and not to be taken seriously.

Quazi you think those are bad? You should see Japanese ascii art. Its called JS Script. Wiki has a good article on it.
most chat speak, is it really that hard to type the other 2-5 letters? It may be faster to type but it takes 2x longer to read.
Basically, any kind of "1337" or texting lingo. A sprinkling of 1337 is fine if it is used for emphasis or sarcasm, but not in normal posting. Texting crap does not be.long on a forum AT ALL.

As a side note, using no punctuation or capitalization is a real pain to read so is poor spelling thats why there are builtin spell checkers in every browser or at least one or twelve that are easily installed no use in subjecting people to your own ignorance i know not everyone who spells bad is dumb but it comes across that way at times but it is so easily avoidable and all so there is really no excuse for it ya know

:laughing: I was reading that, and then I got it ! Case in point by example. I was like WTF <<offensive to anyone, BTW ? :p Don't throw a brick at me please. My monitor won't handle it.
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