Most annoying internet word/phrase.

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Hmm well I have proven Mak wrong today, I think that makes up for all my mistakes :)
Nice custom status you've got there Nick... "Insane Coder"... by insane you mean insanely bad right? ;)

I'm afraid you may have missed the point... Nick used to be a Linux and Windows Techie ;)

Ma copin = my friend

Ma famille = my family

Mon pere = my dad

Je mappelle is an exception and does as you say tranlsaye to my name is. Je or j'ai is 'I'. Je suis alle au piscine = I go to the swimming pool.

its mon copin ma famille

and mon pere.

to use mon for the word copin you must say compine

so it would be ma copine which is actually my girl friend

and then mon copin is my friend.

you have canadians on this forum and I am fluently bilingual. I learnt to read andwrite in french before i did in english though. live in quebec and imigrants in quebec must send there children to french school. so i was a 5 year old australian kid who didnt speak a word of french in french school yay :D. im glad i did it tho now i speak 2 very international languages. now to learn japanese and manderin.
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