Moon landing

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Let's get Fox news to cover the stories! LOL

Sounds like a plan... May as well get something done instead of sending CNN! Heh... People are catching on, and I guess that's why their ratings are so high.

I think the whole conspiracy is idiotic. No, these are not fake. As far as the pictures are concerned they are actually separate pics that are then reimaged to fit into a panoramic view. Slight discrepancies in distance shift as well as shadows can askew the images somewhat. As far as the tire tracks are concerned there is weight distribution like what was stated above plus surface area that makes less of a indention. As far as not seeing starts? That is some due to the atmosphere and its effect at blocking local light wave lengths. Basically, the stronger light makes it near impossible to make out any stars. I think a bigger thing for them to describe is what happened to the astronauts then after the launch? Even amature astronomers can track the LV and it was not in a normal orbit. These people are wack jobs, plain and simple.
OK yes inconsistances, but why send a rocket into space and not go all the way? We had everything we needed to do it, so why decieve and lie? I don't think it matters, but I do think it makes more sense for us to have landed and just taken some bad pictures.
lol @ this thread.

yes we landed on the moon. for every piece of "evidence" that says otherwise there's an explanation for it that proves that skeptics wrong. there's tons of websites with crackpot theories and supposed evidence of "mistakes" in the moon landing productions. there's also tons of websites that disprove these claims. rock some google action.

also, about all these photos of "missing" tracks.... unless the images are linked directly from a nasa archive, assume it's been photoshopped by the author to support his/her "theories."
jesus christ, i just went through and actually read/browsed some of those sites. ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY"RE SAYING???? it's so idiotic, it's not even funny. some of the claims and statements don't even make any sense..

I don't even know where to start. I could spend all day pointing out the fallacies...

that photo of the jump salutes here, for example. they supposedly disprove that the camera man was holding the camera but was using a tripod instead by analyzing the rocks at the bottom of the flagpole. HOW DOES THIS PROVE ANYTHING other than that the rocks didn't move??? if you look at the EDGE of the photographs, you can clearly see that the camera had moved slightly between the photographs.

and let's see... here: they talk about some crap to do with specular highlights.

the photo on the left has no reflections on the sticker because of the extremely bright background causing a close camera aperature and a dark LEM. the photo on the right could have easily been taken at a different time when the sun was oriented differently, explaining the specular highlights. in fact, the photo on the right is labelled "20469" where the one of the left is "21370"....many many many photos apart...
if it was all faked I don't think that the US would have made so many mistakes in their pictures. Also, the Russians, Chinese, etc all had the power to listen in on our communications while we were in space. If we didn't really go to the moon don't you think one of the would have spoken up by now?
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