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I wish forums could have spam cops in addition. Seems like most mods ***cough cough the all mighty banhammer*** don't enjoy it. Plus sometimes you get those, bored spaced out posters who seriously reply to the spammers, so its good to get rid of it ASAP.

Oh and I think being a Webmaster is the only way you get paid, assuming its someone else's site. Being a mod is essentially a hobby (less so here).
Well, in some cases people pay you to be a moderator, other times, its all voluntary. You usually get asked to be a moderator, but in some cases, you sign up. For me, i asked the admin to make me a mod at another forum, and they agreed after some discussion...
When we need Mods, there's usually a small notice in my sig that says we're taking volunteers. However, we didn't do that last time since we had a rather large group from the previously selected Mods. And we take suggestions from all the Mods when it comes to selection.

I think that we have a really good Mod team!

I wish forums could have spam cops in addition.
Every Mod and every member is a spam cop. Only the Mods can get rid of it, but every member can report it (don't reply to it).

hows 5000 sound?

I don't think we need that many Mods. :p

I think that Trotter is our highest paid SMod; he gets about 1 1/2 minutes of daylight per week.

Dave :D
Yeah, Trotter has a banhammer...:eek: Thats why he gets sunlight.

You have to lvl up some and then I think you get a club or something.:rolleyes: :amazed: :confused:

Edit: that was a little incoherent before I fixed it.
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