Mixing Pills Info

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Golden Master
I'm looking for a website that gives details about mixing various kinds of medications. I know I've seen one before mentioned on TV where you basically input various types and they will tell you if it's a lethal combination.

Basically, my dad is in pain 24/7 and as a result, he's prescribed a ridiculous amount of medications. This includes, but not limited to, ambien, hydrocodone/vicodin, zanaflex, valium and a bunch of other crap I can't even pronounce.

I swear his mood just continually deteriorates, becomes irritable through the day and depressed over the dumbest of things. I would think if any of these posed harmful to combine the doctors wouldn't prescribe them? I'd sure hope not anyway.

Anywho, I want to see if I could get some info, then present him with that info and see if I can't get him to knock this stuff off. Theres no way all this crap going into him is good for him and he wonders why he doesn't get better and feels like crap all the time.

Anyone know where I can get some of this info?
Your doctor would be the best source, ask a few of them. I wouldn't trust a website for information like that.
my dad has a big big big big book called the pill book... idk what its about but i could look if you wanted me too, although it cant be tonight cause i have a CRAP load of homework...
septoid2 said:
Your doctor would be the best source, ask a few of them. I wouldn't trust a website for information like that.

You have to be careful just blindly trusting a doctor.

Co-worker of mine takes a lot of prescriptsion and over the counter stuff. He has a list that he updates periodically, and shows to his doctor.

Last year, he started having problems. Essentially, if I remember correctly, he had a lot of protein in his urine, and his muscles were slowly breaking down. Went to his pharmacist, and started bs'ing with the pharmacist, waiting for his prescription to be filled. Pharmacist started talking about some of the interactions that were possible with the drugs he was taking, and turns out that the high amounts of protein in his urine and his muscles breaking down was one of the possible side effects.

So, long story short, go to the doctor, and try to check up on their advice, and definitely get a second opinion if something starts happening and your normal doctor can't figure out why.
I wouldn't trust a website for information like that.
Well, it wasn't just some random website. It was a rather large medical company that's publically traded and whatnot, but I can't for the life of me remember it's name.

It freakin sucks though man. My dad has basically told me before that sometimes he'd rather just die in his sleep and not wake up.....and ya know all I can think of is "yeah thanks pop....way to motivate your children"

He smokes like a freight train too. He WAS cutting down and doing pretty good too, and he replaced cigerettes with fudgecicle bars, but now he just smokes a lot, PLUS eats a ton of those freakin bars. On top of that he's taking well over 5 medications I know, and I know he's been taking vicodin for a really long time.

Some info you dont care to know......but when I get up to go to the bathroom at night, I can tell he's been in there, because it looks like radioactive piss in the toilet all super bright neon green which is a clear indication of too much crap going through the system.

idk what its about but i could look if you wanted me too, although it cant be tonight cause i have a CRAP load of homework...
lol well, all those I listed :p

Hydrocodone, ambien, valium, zanaflex...maybe it's spelled xanaflex actually.

Check Hydrocodone aka vicodin and ambien mixtures if you could for me. I know thats what he predominately takes...pain meds with sleep meds have to be harsh, yet somehow he STILL doesnt sleep at night.
Tell him to watch requiem for a dream...I'm pretty sure the old lady in that movie is taking valium to relax her as well as a variety of up/down "diet pills"

Requiem will scare anyone off presribed medications/hard drugs
Heh at one point I was on tons of painkillers, nothing beats morphine that took the cake for getting rid of pain. Ask another doctor if possible, a lot of doctors are bad and probably just became doctors because their parents pushed them into it. Some doctors are very good though, so get a second opinion.
bah, I'm lazy and dont want to go to a doctor :p

The internet is supposed to be FULL of information dang it!
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