INVASION USA: Mexican Trucks Coming (watch out) more American jobs gone

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Rich_Franklin said:
you mean Spanish?

:rolleyes: No, I mean Mexican - it's a different dialect. The wee bit of spanish I took in school did not allow me to converse with the immigrants coming up here. There is that much of a difference.

It's about people, not where they're from. Look at the bigger picture, not alienate people because where they're born. There is a sort of movement for people to learn Spanish (Not "Mexican") but that's simply because there are so many Spanish speaking people here, it just makes things easier. If you're on a job site with Spanish speaking people and you know Spanish, You're way more valuable than someone who refuses to accept other cultures because you're a "Real American".

Your so wrong on this I don't know if I could ever set you straight.
1.) There is no fear to accept other cultures. I want to reverse the question and ask why they can't adapt to American culture?
2.) Learning another language is not a problem. It does facilitate communication. However, when in Rome, do as the Romans, and that means speaking their language. They came here, they need to change, not me. The same would be expected of me in France, Germany, Kenya, China, the list only goes on and on.
3.) Frankly, I don't give a wooden nickle if your from Iraq - your in America for a reason. If it's a better life, your welcome to it, but you need to adapt to the American culture and way of life.
4.) Makes things easier??? *shakes head* why weren't things easier when my ancestors came over less than a hundred years ago? There were no bi-lingual signs pointing them where to go. No forms in their language so that they received government welfare, etc. Progression aside, let me ask you what power I have about reverse discrimination?
5.) Valuable??? No, I am more valuable to the job force for three reasons.
a.) I can learn anything quickly
b.) I do have an education that I alone worked for
c.) I have worked the manual labor jobs and would go back to them if need be.

get over your dumb paranoia of mexico face it there the most hard working people on the planet regardless if there taking "american jobs" people who complain are usually the ones sitting on there couches at home doing nothing about it

Homer, personal attacks really have no place in this discussion. Paranoia has nothing to do with it.
No, my family is the most hard working individuals. Every single one of us worked back breaking labor. I was the earliest of my siblings holding a part-time job in the fifth grade. My pay helped to make ends meet. Every member of my family worked, and went to school. My father broke his neck on a job and did not receive any disability when he was recovering from surgery. So my parents decide then was a good time to go to college. They received their college education without any assistance from the parents. Sure there are loans and pell grants, and they did take advantage of them. You say the the people complaining about it are the ones sitting on the couch and doing nothing??? No, I say the ones complaining about it are the ones that spent their time in the trench so to speak and through hard work and education raised themselves above blue collar labor.

Truth be told, how can you say that I am lazy when I do hold two jobs. I work over 65 hours a week. I also have a college degree. This is not racisim or bigotry, this is patriotism. I don't like seeing a mexican flag on vehicles and apperal. Especially from folks who are in America "permanantly" but shipping everything down to mexico. The depreciated value of the peso compared to the US dollar allows for a very comfortable living. No, if you take citizenship in America, I believe that you will renounce citizenship in your home country. Millions of immigrants did it before them, why can't they follow in the same footsteps? I work beside people who came to America, wanting to be Americans. They went through the steps to become American, but above all, they respect the American culture and way of life with out making demands of concession. Because they went through the process, they jumped through all the hoops, they have my undying respect. Be yourself, but if your American, also be American.
I was gonna leave it at a simple "lol" because for god's sake, What the **** are you rambling on about? If you come to this country from mexico you're not allowed to be a mexican anymore? "You renounce your citizenship to your home country" Could you BE anymore brainwashed? I'd LOVE to know what immigrants you're talking about that did that. I seriously almost ****ed myself when I read "It's not racism or bigotry, it's patriotism". The fact that you followed that up by saying "I don't like seeing mexican flags on cars and apparel" how is that NOT bigotry? If you had any definition of that word that's basically exactly what it is. What's the reason you don't like seeing it? Does it make you uncomfortable? Do you feel they're lower than you? Because they're different? Well, If being a patriot means being close minded about just about everything there is to be a jerk about then I don't think I want anything to do with it. It's funny you keep talking about Americans because you know who the real Americans are? Native Americans, Whom white men came and killed because of land lust, Yeah, Great bunch of dudes in my opinion. You migrated here Asshat, bottom line is you're not even an American, There's no such thing as an American because we're all European, We're all Spanish, African decent, There's people from everywhere and that's what makes America. Just because it was a terrible experience to try and come live here a long time ago when your ancestors were coming over why should it still be? You want some kind of payback or something? You're saying Spanish people can't adapt to American culture, Ever think it's because they lived somewhere else there whole lives? They is other countries besides this one that you seem to be so in love with. Try going over there and seeing how hard it is to adjust and communicate with people. You really just sound like a hateful moron saying crap like that. If you had the opportunity to go to somewhere else, Make more money, Have better living conditions, not have to worry about such a high crime rate and have an opportunity to support your family back home you wouldn't do it?
You are wrong - I am 1/8 cherokee
Ya, say it, im a mix. I am a real American.

In rebuttle:

Immigrants that renounced their citizenship in their old country - Mine!!
If you are in America permanantly, then you are an American (provided you went through the naturalization process). My ancestors no longer claimed to be Russian or German, they were Americans and proud of it. They flew the American flag. I don't feel anyone is lower than me, but I feel it is out of bounds to celebrate another countries independance day. The other question I have, pertaining to the wearing and display of the mexican flag is this...Why wave it if you are in America? If you hate America so much, why are you in America? If the old country is so bad that you are in America, why aren't you trying to fix it?

You say brainwashed? I say your a pansy liberal.

What exactly is an Asshat?

Payback is not the issue, and if you will remember I did say Progression aside (meaning the progress we have made as a society) why am I not allowed to shop at Mexican owned business here in America? That my friend is reverse discrimination.
What I was getting at, that you obviously missed, is that my ancestors came here to be American, and that's final.

It is extremly hard if you do it without the following:
1.) Going through the host governments procedure - they generally have translators
2.) speaking their language - there are tons of social programs for teaching immigrants english
3.) The desire to assimilate into the culture. I said assimilate not change

As far as somebody changing - It can be done. My ancestors lived somewhere other than America their entire life. They changed, rather quickly I might add.

If you had the opportunity to go to somewhere else, Make more money, Have better living conditions, not have to worry about such a high crime rate and have an opportunity to support your family back home you wouldn't do it?

That point is really moot. Just to humor you though - Ya, if things were bad enough to leave, I would. But My family would come with me. Fortunatly, I remember the one basic freedom every being on the face of this earth has - The power of choice. What is so wrong with choosing to make a difference and change their home country for the better. Their are millions of revolutionary texts out there.

All that said, this has quickly turned into a flamewar. I am done with this, because I do not want to get banned. However, I would like to invite you ,M733mhz and homerj14, and anyone else who wants to, that if you are ever in the Dodge City, Kansas area, to let me know and we can discuss this further as gentlemen in a setting of neutrality. Say a local restaurant? The invitation is open.
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