Infinity, does it really exist?

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I dont believe in infinity, because i believe that everythings has to end at some point, it doesnt matter if humanly possible to reach the end, but everything has to end at some point.

If infinity goes on forever, then prove it.

Also what's your take on infinity?
prove that infinity doesn't go on forever.....

I hate those kind of 'prove' it approaches when you can easily turn the question around and you won't be able to disprove it.

I don't really have an opinion on it though.

Numbers have no end....theres infinity
Define infinity.

It's like trying to define 'normal'. Good luck.

Here's a tip, don't think TOO much.
1/3 = 0.33333333333333333 an infinite number of times.
no matter how many 3's you put on the end, it is still not going to be 100% right, unless you don't actually end it. i.e. there are an infinite number of 3's at the end.

infinie is not a thing which is physically there, it's not something you can touch. infinite is a concept to define things that don't end, for example the number pi, or 1/3
ya but if 1/3 never ends, how can 3/3 equal 1 when each 1/3 equals .3333333333333333333 an infinite number of 3's.
you'd have to be in a higher mathematics than I know to be able to explain that one.

Fractions would be a lot harder if it was a rule that 3/3 =! 1

besides you're getting off onto something different, the fact remains that 10/3 = 3.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 blah blah blah
to add 1/3 in decimal together 3 times, you'd have to add the infinite number of 3's at the end.
the only way for it to be exactly 1/3 is for it to have an infinite number of 3's
people can't add an infinite number of digits together.

to add 1/3 in decimal together 3 times, you'd have to add the infinite number of 3's together. if you somehow could add the infinite number of 3's together, then it would be exactly 1.

but if you end it somewhere, then of course it will be less than one.

however by ending it somewhere, it wouldn't be exactly 1/3, since the exact number has an infinite amount of 3's at the end.

therefore by ending it somewhere, you wouldn't get the right answer

infinite decimal places are the reason people came up with fractions.
fractions are used to define some of the numbers which would be irrational in decimal form.
there are also other irrational numbers, which are defined by surds (using square, cube, quad etc. roots of numbers)
but some irrational numers cannot be defined in the base-10 number system that we use. therefore we cannot find those numbers exactly. we just round those numbers off, and call it an approximation
infinity exists, but only as a concept.
infinity is just a tool people use to define something that goes on forever, and doesn't end.
you might call it a number. numbers are also a concept. they're not something real which have a prescence in the universe, they're a tool to help people understand things.
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