Im a virgin!!!!!!!!!!!

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Or until you get knocked across the room trying to repair a power supply


I once was trying to run the power cord of a wireless headphone dock up through a desk. However, I found I could not get the wire through without moving the clutered ones already snaked through the desks cable... hole (whatever that thing is). So I put the power cable in my mouth... and was shocked. I dropped it, picked it back up, and put it BACK IN MY MOUTH. I dropped it again, grimaced, shoved it back in my mouth, moved the wires, and jammed the thing up there.

Though not a large shock, things like this are just SAD. I seriously just sat down and cried... I couldn't realize how stupid I was.

Oh, and once, in my computer hardware class, we played with power supplies and amplifiers. We had 25 poeple holding hands, sending 500+ volts through us. I was at the end... man that hurts the fingernails. We also tried doing it with just one person... I'm pretty big, and apperently resistant to voltage to a degree, so all I did was jerk a bit... my 140 pound friend nerely tore his own arms off (he looked like he was having an epileptic siezure).

Good old times...

Oh, and don't link more then 10 9v batteries in series... boom.
yea has anyone broken a disposable camera and touched it. i touched the inside of it and it shocked the hell out of me. my finger had black spots where it got shocked for months. ugh learned my lesson the hard way.
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