An idea...

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Daemon Poster
Should I write a formal letter to try to convince my school to run Folding@Home on all of it's computers? There are atleast 100 computers in my school, all of them are either P4's, or atleast P3's. Any issues or reasons the school would argue that they cannot, so I can counter those arguements?
I don't see why they'd turn the idea down. I'm thinking of following this thread and doing the same. Would be a very awesome thing if we could get even one school with a couple hundred computers running F@H.
Quite possibly they would be worried about security. Justified or not, they would probably bring that up. Also, the consumption of power - since the system will always be running at full capacity.
I could also bring the possiblility of "condoning" just ONE of the many causes out there... possable favoritism maybe?? The public image so to speak of the school...
Yeah... Schools are usually pretty scared to do things like this. Anything they "don't" have to do on their systems - they won't do.

In this case security and electricity are the two main concerns I would imagine. And both are somewhat justified. These systems are not as carefully monitored as our home systems - or some coorporate systems that have a proper IT department looking over them.

Any program that "does stuff" on the internet and communicates on the internet by opening itself up inherently exposes more security risks.. You can minimize it of course by running various programs - but I doubt high schools do any of that.
I agree that their main concerns will be security and power consumption.

if you do write a letter, be sure to use proper grammar:

it's = it is, "It's cold outside today."
its = posessive form of it, "Its computers are running a program."
For sure... If I write the letter any time in the near future, I'll be sure to post it here so you grammar-whores can show me how horrible I am at english. :p

Or maybe one of you guys can write the letter for me. It's all good. :D
i am currently folding for tf. but what exactly is folding?? i know its to find the sequence for some kinda protein..or something like that. and i know folding is helping to find a cure for cancer. but i still dont full understand folding@home. can someone explain it in a nutshell?
Wow... Did you guys know there's going to be a Playstation 3 client for Folding@Home?

It's a good use for that Cell processor, smart thinking...
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