Hung over?

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i'm too young to drink... but my friend got a hangover once from this really strong tea flavored candy (its from China)
Good cure for the hangover. Accelerade (sp) I usually take this as a supplement for running as it has a good carb to protien ratio, and for sume reason if I mix a small glass(if i remember to) before I hit the rack after a fun night, its as if I never even drank. can be expensive though If you buy it for the purpose of hang over cure. its like 28 bucks for a small container of mix. But most stores here sell it in bottles too.

Same for Gatorade....which is simply a way to quicken the hydration process....Drinking alcohol, of course, DE-hydrates you.....if you drink water, or something that hydrates you, thus negating the dehydrating effect that alcohol takes on you, then you will find similar results. Its the same thing, your body reacts the same way to any of these type methods.
I do too, drink a bunch of water and/or piece of bread before you go to sleep. Then you're usually fine. If you're already hung over, take some ibuprofen and drink a bottle of gatorade. Some black coffee or tea will probably help a bit too.

The first part is right on, but Black Coffee or tea with a hang over? No way...
Coffee and Tea are know diuretics. Which means they will dehydrate you even more. Something you DO NOT WANT WITH A HANG OVER.
I meant after hydrating yourself. Tea always makes me feel better but I never get bad hangovers in the first place.
Hair of the dog!

I only get hung over if i go to a party get real drunk and dont sleep all night. casual drinking does not give me hangovers thank god.
You gotta prepare for this stuff folks. If you're planning to go out one night then just drink tons of water all day. Helps you balance out the night. Even downing a couple glasses of water during doesn't hurt.

The WORST is the hangover you get when your throwing up neon green bile all day. Those are torture. I'll take a headache over that anytime.
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