How Nice & Tidy is Your Desktop ?

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I just reformatted yesterday so my desktop is so immaculate that the Virgin Mary herself would be proud to see it.
Every two weeks i make a folder with the date on it and pile all of my desktop items into it and then archive it on my HD.
My desktop is almost always messy.
mac_mogul said:
Every two weeks i make a folder with the date on it and pile all of my desktop items into it and then archive it on my HD.
My desktop is almost always messy.

Eww, do that like once a day. I usually keep my desktop like I keep my REAL desktop - it has stuff on it that I am currently working on, then when I am finished I file it. If something comes along (a download/delivery) it goes there until I find somewhere to put it.

@ work. I ALWAYS keep it nice and tidy. Just like my pc at home. When i get too many icons, i delete, move, or put them in a folder. In fact, i have a Games folder with all my game icons. Messy desktops are FTL.
spotless. Not one icon. I actually have desktop items disabled so that even if someone puts something there, it wont show up.

The General said:
Eww, do that like once a day. I usually keep my desktop like I keep my REAL desktop - it has stuff on it that I am currently working on, then when I am finished I file it. If something comes along (a download/delivery) it goes there until I find somewhere to put it.

Well, I keep everying organized by when I work[ed] on it. Its just easier for me that way.
Like, if i'm looking for a photochop I'll think "When did I do that?" Then I remember the time, and look for the folder. I keep them arranged by file type, so images are usually at the top :)

In a way, I keep my computer organized in how everything else is. Everything is all bunched together in big clumps and put in separate places. It looks like crap but I still know where everything is lol
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