How do you pronounce your name?

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PC Cutie ^_^
My name is kinda weird, I bet there are over 60% of ya that call me (SurÂ’IÂ’a) when itÂ’s (SurÂ’EÂ’a)

I know that some are obvious.... but there are some that I canÂ’t say at all..... how do you pronounce your name?
I thought it was, 'Seer-E-uh'.

Yea, I'd consider mine to be pretty obvious; however, the meaning is not.
If ya got trouble with mine, unplug your computer and stand in front of a moving bus.
I always thought "Seh-ria"

and yeah my name is pretty obvious.


although somehow people always manage to screw up such an easy name...I've been Nimbus before and Nubis and people leave out letters, or just add random letters is beyond me.

If ya got trouble with mine, unplug your computer and stand in front of a moving bus.

You mean it's not Troe-Teer?
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