How did you come up with your username?

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Daemon Poster
I know one of these threads was made before but it is really old and really long and nobody has posted in it for ages and most of the members have changed since then SO, I decided to make a new one.

There is this old snowmobile racing game for PS1 called Sled Storm and my favorite character was named jackal. I just changed it to leet speak to make myself feel "in". :eek:

Anywho, how did you come up with yours?
Good question :) Its from the Su-27 Flanker. A Flanker is generally someone who attacks you from the side, where you're undefended. Flanking is a tactic used in battles (like Roman battles originally). I'm also partial to Fulcrum and Maverick.
I really enjoyied Andromeda (or I at least enjoyied it up until Kevin Sorbo became exec. producers and turn it's into HUCULES IN SPACE)
Anyway, Seamus Harper (aka Harper) was one of 3 reasons why I put up with this show. And I found that Harper's Serious-And-Yet-Not-Serious personality and is simulare to my own.
Same goes with his with "Let See How Much Trouble Can We Stir Up.... :) OH $#!+! :eek: " attitude too.

<--- Harper from Andromeda.

That's where i got my name from ^^^^^^^^ Alf's real name is Gordon Shumway and my name is Gord so all my friend's started with the shumway thing and now it's stuck for the rest of my life :p
^^ Haha nice.
Mines a long story but ill make it short.
On a band bus sitting w/ my gf coming back from an away game. My two friends Ramsey and Dan where sitting behind us. Well in our Drum-Line we all have nicknames. Out of nowhere they said hey Cory we got a name for you. Its PP Mguire and we even got a song to!! Sense then its stuck and everybody calls me PP Mguire. Nobody has any idea what the meaning is but its funny so i keep it.
Harper said:
I really enjoyied Andromeda (or I at least enjoyied it up until Kevin Sorbo became exec. producers and turn it's into HUCULES IN SPACE)
Anyway, Seamus Harper (aka Harper) was one of 3 reasons why I put up with this show. And I found that Harper's Serious-And-Yet-Not-Serious personality and is simulare to my own.
Same goes with his with "Let See How Much Trouble Can We Stir Up.... :) OH $#!+! :eek: " attitude too.

I actually liked your previous monikor better (Silesia) :p. But your reasons for changing it were valid.

Anyhow, to topic, there was a thread on this recently that went to a number of pages. My answer is...unknown. I seriously have no idea where "Qiranworms" came from. At all. Nor have I ever decided how it should be pronounced.
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