Heath Ledger...messed up man

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Authorities are not speculating suicide. He was on prescription medication (with his name on it) that was found in the apartment, and they believe that this might have been the cause. He left no suicide note. The drugs were a sleep aid he used for insomnia. My parents got crazy on me because I use a sleep aid as well, but I'm more than certain it's probably not the same drug, but we'll find out soon enough.

This guy's career was just taking a turn for the better with the huge and important role as the Joker in the Dark Knight.

I think we should put aside our speculations until the facts come out.

I am really looking forward to TDK, and I think that the little I've seen of Heath's performance from trailers and leaked footage was quite astounding, outshining all the rest of the characters by miles. It's sad that he won't be around to see the movie succeed. This guy had a whole life of potential in front of him.

Rest in piece Heath.
I like him in a couple of movies: Knight's Tale and The Patriot. I thought he was decent.

I'm sad for all of his family and friends, including him.

Dave :D
What a lot of hear-say is that he just overdosed on accident. He was having severe insomnia due to having to play the joker. Apparently the character screwed him up in the head just a tad bit.
The family is now saying this was accidental. Early reports were he wasn't sleeping well after playing the Joker. 1-2 hours a night. Accidental overdose I suppose? We'll see on the ME's report. Very sad indeed someone dying so young and just coming into his own career-wise.
I will end up living a long dull life...in most people's eyes. But I like my "dull" life, not dull to me ;)

and always wanted to make a correction of sorts in my title, sounds like I said he was a "messed up man"....I meant it in a way that suggests, he had so much going for it...and the situation is messed up :)

Ugh, but regardless of what we speculate...I hope the drug he was using was needed. If this would have been another benchmark movie for a young actor, this would be like Brandon Lee and the Crow. That too was messed up!!!
It was ambien, a sleeping pill. Just imagine having to get into the mindset of the joker. Not jack nicholson joker, but "i like to rape and kill little kids" type joker, ala the graphic novels.
I have lived a very very hectic life in the past, now i am taking it slower growing a beard to match my new lifestyle. I am sorry Heath messed up an died an left a kid, hopfuly the rest of her life will be easy, If what i have heard was true that it was truly a accedental death it might act as some kind of comfort to her when she grows up.
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