Ha! Dr Phil

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He's not even a freaking MD. I still dont know how he gets away with calling himself "Dr Phil" and acting like a psychiatrist.
He all ways seemed to come off as that opinionated burk at work who thinks he is a expert on any subject known to man, I am glad he is getting looked at by the state of California.
I hate Dr. Phil. Always have, always will. The serious psychiatric community, from what I've read, has a very low opinion of him. He's basically just Made-for-TV psychiatry--not really constructive or helpful at all.
Speaking of stupid dushemonkeys with their own tv shows. Tyra banks needs to die in the nearest fire right after phil falls in.
"Dr" Phil sucks, he don't even have a Ph.D just a Ph.Ail. Him and Maury both need to be launched into the sun. They always get people with serious problems and put them on Live National TV, how is that helpful in any way, especially when it's a sensitive case that should only be discussed with a few people? They just blab it out to everyone even though it doesn't help they just want the ratings up.

Filth is filth, no matter how you analyze it Maury/Phil. Dr Phil acts like he's some genius and pretends to be helping Brittney Spears, if you wanna help Brittney give her a gun and bullet and let her end her own misery, or at least get congress to pass a law telling the paparazzi to stay out of Celebrities' lives.
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