Finding Music Lyrics?

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Golden Master
There is a song I am thinking of and really, really want to find, but all I know is a few of the words and I don't know the artist or name of the song. It is a trance/techno song, so it will be a little less searched for. Is there anyplace online that if I knew part of the lyrics for a song, I could type it in to a search engine and it could find my song? Thanks for any replies.
yup, type in all the words you know into google, and tag on a lyric/lyrics in the end, you'd be able to find it most of the time :D
I believe google has a max of 10 word search string length. For words u are not sure of, use a wildcard "*".. "I hunted him down * shot him in the *".. Like such.. :)

I don't think google has ever failed me
yea, i just type part of the lyrics in google

sometimes it doesn't work and you'll need the artist's name too :\
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