Facts you didn't know about "LOL"

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Well words creep in and out of language all the time, new words get made up and old words fade away or there meaning changes.

Hello used to be used as a term for surprise (I learned that on QI) and not as a term of greeting some one it was only with the invention of the telephone that it has become used as a greeting. (QI again)

Fall as the Americans use it for Autumn was common in British English until 200 years ago now no one uses it in the UK in that meaning any more.

LOL and all the other "netslang" might become common spoken words in the course of time and might be of interest to historians so might the origins of the term. My grand children might say "I LLOD so hard my sides hurt" but I can't see a time in the next 20 years where it would become common to use it as such other than on the internet or TXT messages.


Oh and if you are wondering what QI is it's a show on the BBC by Stephen Fry you would be surprised about what we take as a true statment of fact is false.
I got in trouble the other day on here for not knowing what FTW and FTL was and I still dont get it..but anyway my mother still tells me I'm cool.
ftw - for the win (a good example would be Hollywood Squares) "I'll take the center square for the win" ... I don't know... something like that.

ftl - for the loose (or loss) the opposite

So, If I said "Chocolate Chip Cookies 4tw!" Then you would probably guess that I loved those type of cookies.

(I'm catching on too!!!) Playing World of Warcraft for a little bit of time helped though. :(
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