english --> chinese electronic dictionaries

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If you can write a computer program that can understand a languages, translate them into a concept/idea and then produce the same concept/idea in another language, then go right ahead, until then, I'll stick to babelfish for what little translation I need to do.
If I write it will you consider me a TRUE DIY'er too!?

har har, sorry :p

besides, I was more referring to his uses. I've used it frequently myself.
HAVOC2k5 said:
Asian kids walking around with electronical devices?
Huh? Go figure...

Yea, I knew they made electronical devices (and toothbrushes), but I had no idea that they actually used them themselves....
Think we're going bit off the point here. If anyone knows any good brands or models or w/e post them thx
Okay I found one called Besta CD-282, anyone have any reviews over Besta? The features list looks v nice.
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