The end of my unemployment.

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i whent thrue 8 months of un employement also. scored a jbo at futureshop as a seasonal sales associate in cameras. i made the top 10 performers in eastern canada on the circle of excelence and was able to keep my job. I absolutely love it. the only thing i dislike is beign in a higher tax bracket now and getting taxes 30% off my income.
I have come out of my 5 month unemployment hiatus this month. Got a job with a guy that I had been helping every now and then. I'm not excited to pay taxes again, but I'm happy that I can feel like I actually contribute once again.
Congrats! I got lucky, found a job after 3 months of looking. Before that I was on unemployment benefits though as I was doing full time college
dang hopefully i'll be telling one of these stories soon.. cuz i desperately need a job

Well now, looks who come to play or should I say give advice at tech-forums ? :)
Where the **** have you been man ? last time I saw you was when I had got into a fight in this forum of 08, since then I've been looking for you and you never came back again...?
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