do you know some logic tests links/websites?

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Solid State Member
do anyone here knows some logic tests links/website?

like having thess kinds of problems...

1. a snail has to climb a tree 5 meters high. if it creeps up 3 meters in a day and slides down 2 meters at night. how many days will it take for the snail to reach the top of the tree?

2. you are in a room with three switches connected to three lamps to another room, you have to identify which switch is connected to each of the lamp. you are only allowed 5 minutes inside the room with the switches and you are not allowed to return to the room with the switches. how will you handle this?

thanks guys.. =)
i juz thought someone here knows where those 2 examples exactly came from.. =)
anyway, i already found a website after some google searching...
i just thought it would be difficult to find those sites...
thanks guys.. =)
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