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"I just threw up my lifes work..."

Eww-Eww-EEWW!!!!!, man, why did you have to tell me that????????????????????? :eek::eek::eek::mad:

Sometimes I just wanna shoot myself... God, i wanna just take a .45 calibur and just make my rounds count.....:freak: :( :dead: :mad: :mad:

Yeah man I couldn't have said it better then CHRIS. Be honest with yourself, admit you have problems, but so does everyone else, you aren't perfect and niether is anyone else on Earth.

I have gone through 2 major depressions in my life, mainly because of family problems and all these changes at a young age, I found exercise to be the best remedy of all, specifically weight training and sports like cardiokickboxing (you are encouraged to go all out on the punching bag ^_^). You really release _ALOT_ of tension from working out intense and not only that, you can lots of self-confidence from seeing your body change and it forces you to take care of yourself better since you require better nutrition and sleep. Honestly, forcing yourself to do something which forces yourself to take better care of yourself is the best thing of all. I'd stay away from all mood-altering medicines if I can, the best remedy is better self-care both inside and out.
Clinical depression, as opposed to the "blues" or circumstancial depression, is a real thing and can really devastate your life. I have been there and it was no fun.
Have you or anyone you know suffered from depression or is currently?
Both my wife and I have fought that fight. My depression lasted for a few months, but my wife's is ongoing.

What kind(or brand) of medication did he/she/you take?
I went through three different ones, but only remember one of them... Zoloft. It was the first one, and it really broke the stranglehold depression had on me. The others were later on, but I was only on one at a time.

My wife has been on a few different ones, but she takes Paxil now, and has for three years or so.
What side effects/experiences did he/she/you have with this?

The only side effect I had was not so bad (to me), but many men hated having it, according to my doctor. Suffice it to say that it is best not mentioned here. You can PM me if you want.

Did he/she/you opt for psychological counseling instead? A combination of both?
My wife did some counseling. I tried it, but am way too cynical of the whole psychological crap for it to have been of any use. The meds I was prescribed was all I needed.

If you are suffering from depression, seek help.Clinical depression is no joke, and it doesn't just "get better".

Trotter said:
I went through three different ones, but only remember one of them... Zoloft. It was the first one, and it really broke the stranglehold depression had on me. The others were later on, but I was only on one at a time.
Personally i never liked it when the medical practice gets involved with the mental and emotional well being of people. Every time there is a medicine for depression, it becomes addictive. If you ever abruptly stop using the medications, you become worse off than you were in the beginning.

It angers me when phsycologists are always assuming the best answer is medication. Sometimes when people are depressed, they are depressed for a REASON!! :angry:

Medicine is not the answer in most cases. Just because a prescription makes you "FEEL" better about a problem, that dosn't mean that the "PROBLEM" is just going to go away, now dose it?

People will become depressed because they are People! They have bills, and have to deal with other people! It's natural for people to get upset when there are problems, because we have a preception of "Right" and "Wrong"!

If people have problems, SOLVE THE PROBLEM! not the person.
:confused: :cool:
Re: "Brainbleedings..."

If people have problems, SOLVE THE PROBLEM! not the person.[/COLOR] :confused: :cool: [/B]

But most of the time for the doctors it is much easier to just subscribe a drug and make you feel better then actually sovling the problem. And it is human nature to take the easy way out.
People will become depressed because they are People! They have bills, and have to deal with other people! It's natural for people to get upset when there are problems, because we have a preception of "Right" and "Wrong"!

This is what is called cicumstancial depression, also known as the blues or the blaahs. It is also the main opinion of those who have not found themselves staring into the abyss of depression.

Clinical depression is not something you "get over" just by wanting to. It is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. When my depression hit, I was at the best job I had ever had, I had almost no bills, plenty of money, great marriage, nice car... no worries, no problems. In the space of two to three months, my world collapsed in upon itself... not the real world around me, but my own personal perceptions of it.

While modern medicine does not have all the answers, many medications have been found to help restore the balance. Not "feel-good" pills, but chemicals that help the body regain its mental footing. Many of these medications were originally developed for other uses, but were found to have beneficial uses against depression.

Different medications work differently for different people. Hence why my doctor moved me through three different medcations over six months or so.

Severe, ongoing depression is not normal, but it is treatable, and it is curable.
Scored a 4 but i dnt really have depression but a heart condition so I cherrish life a little more.But I look foward to waking up the next day and doing things.

3lite Bullet said:
But most of the time for the doctors it is much easier to just subscribe a drug and make you feel better then actually sovling the problem. And it is human nature to take the easy way out.

May not be the best way but it makes you fill good for the moment.:D
I Have Depression it became evident at 13, was diagnosed with it at 15. Having A disability and Being Unemployed (After I graduated in 03) became the major cause of Depression in Life, Feeling Inadiquent next to Able bodied persons was also an issue for a number of years. Alcohol is never an answer as it can make you do things you don't normally do, Becoming Violent/Hurting ones self. I have it under control Now though. Another thing I found was thar I was always Obsessing about the past, and never being able to move past that

The best way to deal with it is to get out and meet people, I have done Voleenteer work and am secretary on 2 Non profit Organisations.

Depression will kill you if you let it, the trick is not to dwell on things, Look forward and not back. Also medication will help but don't rely on it as the end all solution.

i scored a 10. i blame it more on extreme laziness. at least i think it is.. i can BARELY get ANYTHING done. whtehter its school work or housework.. or even paying a bill. even sending a letter! i have to send the university i want to transfer to my transcript, but my transcript has been sitting on my desk for the longest time and i can't send it! is this laziness? or am i actually depressed? i don't feel sad.. nothing bad has happened... i enjoy laughing and being with friends and family. is this extreme laziness? god knows. i find myself wishing i was in the middle of the sahara desert all alone doing nothing but worshiping god :D :D ...people who have strong faith in a religion tend to have less depression. i read that somehwere i donno where...
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