Computer terms

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Pixel is a good one. Ruby (from Ruby On Rails, or Agent Ruby from ATI). Dot, short for Dotcom. Effy, short for effing computer. I like I/O (pronounced I-O), as it sounds all Greek and sophisticated.
Oh! I like I/O. It could be the moon "Io" or a computer term, depending on the girl you are trying to get to stop at the dog park and say "Awwwww" to it with. LOL :)

If you are going to go down the "Try to get a female's attention at dog park" route, then I would prepare multiple names (WIN WIN) :) only kidding ;)

Your post reminds me of this particular part of Hitchhiker's Guide Trotter :) observe:
YouTube - Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy 2005 The Ultimate Question
heh heh heh, we had a dog named deeogee *use hooked on phonix... lol, D.O.G* but anyways... being a sheltie MOSFET lol, maybe I/O, I have no clue otherwise

My grandma had a german shepard/collie mix that was also named deeogee!!

When they would take him to the vet and ask how his name was spelled, which was DOG, they always looked puzzled for a second before they got it.
Oh my, that is too good :)

I'm going to have to remember these:

DOG - pronounced "Deeogee" and perhaps
CAT - pronounced "Seeatee" or "Seeatea"

Too good :)
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