China vows to slow reliance on executed inmates' organs

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I doubt that's true as there's no need to invent crimes when you can just give actual criminals very harsh sentences.
True that, but I'm supposing that in a country of more than a billion people there's more than enough supply for corrupt bureaucrats.
True that, but I'm supposing that in a country of more than a billion people there's more than enough supply for corrupt bureaucrats.
Oh, I would think demand would be pretty large.
Not simply for corrupt beaurocrats themselves, but also as a way of making money by selling them.
As fun as it is to diss the Chinese, the chances of that actually occurring are about as likely as in the US or pretty much any modern country. The image of China as a lawless, corrupt behemoth is just a stereotype.
As fun as it is to diss the Chinese, the chances of that actually occurring are about as likely as in the US or pretty much any modern country. The image of China as a lawless, corrupt behemoth is just a stereotype.
It's a lot more likely, because it's the Chinese government itself that's doing it. And they control everything, so they can get away with it.

And that isn't a stereotype against Chinese people. It's an observation about the government system there.

As far as the people in China go, they deserve better than the government that's in place.
As fun as it is to diss the Chinese, the chances of that actually occurring are about as likely as in the US or pretty much any modern country. The image of China as a lawless, corrupt behemoth is just a stereotype.

Very doubtful this would happen in the US. We have too many bleeding heart liberals who appeal sentences for convicts... even those those said that they did it and deserve what they have gotten already.

Besides, the level of drug use and HIV/AIDS in prison populations would be more than enough for me to pass on them.
Agreed; overall I'm against the death sentence, but in cases where it's basically irrefutable that they did it, and admit that they did it, and say they would do it again... what's the use in a life sentence there?
No use in a life sentence for those who admit it and it is absolutely proven and there is no remorse. The only purpose they are serving is to take up valuable tax dollars which could be used to fix roads and fund public education.
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